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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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  • Name/Location of Hospice if they were involved:
    wellstar, Georgia
  1. Hi, I am so deeply sorry for your loss, I am only 22 and lost my mom 3 months ago. she was my best friend too, and she wouldn't let me move out of the house, so i stayed and helped take care of her. I wish that I could pray for you, and all of the people on this site, to let the Lord take your pain away, but what i have realized is that He doesn't. And we can only get through this by crying and grieving. I have just started grieving. For the last 3 months i have held everything in and didn't cry, i actually thought that i was passed it and okay. but with in this last week i have cried everyday, and night. I feel better too. I know that your situation is totally different, but just know that i am here to listen and to talk to, during this time i need as many people who will listen and share as i can get, and i know that it would help you too. So please know that you are not alone, you will get through this and will be able to help so many people that have lost loved ones. I hurt for you, because i know what it feels like to be abandoned, but i just have to remain constant in my belief that Jesus is right next to me and will never forsake me. Your friend, Natalie.
  2. Hi, my name is Natalie and i am 22, i lost my mom to breast cancer/lung cancer, 3 months ago. i can totally relate to what you where saying about how you just pushed it out of your mind and kept going, i did the same thing for the last 8 years. my mom was sick since i was 13 and i never liked to think about the fact that she was going to die. i am in college and my mom was proud of me too, i am currently a chemistry major, but it could change, i know that your dad was proud of you, from how you talk about him he reminds me of my mom. We used to watch lifetime movies and veg out all day, just me and her. she was my best friend. I took my mom's purse and put it under my bead because i wanted to be able to smell her, i can still remember everything very clearly, but it has only been 3 months. At the funeral we had a viewing, and i had to do her makeup because the people didn't do it good enough. i couldn't eat all day because i could smell the formaldyhyde on my hands. I had a boyfriend at the time, and i thought that he would be there for me , we were together for 3 1/2 years. but he broke up with me 1 week after the funeral. i miss him and my mom. i am sorry to just pour all of this on you, but i just finally feel like someone understands what i went through. i would love to talk to you more, here or via e-mail, if you would, i just need a friend. my e-mail is Natheldreth@aol.com i hope that you are doing well, God Bless you and your family. natalie.
  3. Hi Sally, my mom just recently died too, she was only 50 years old, i am 22. i feel that this time in my life has been the time when the Lord has helped me to concentrate solely on Him. Paul says that when strife and calamity hit, it is what puts us on our knees, and makes us closer to the Father. I feel that although we can ask God why he has taken someone or answered in a hard way, he is omniscient, and omnipetent, he is soveriegn, and knows all, so i take heart in knowing that maybe i can use this as my ministry, and testimony. I too, watched my mom die, and i was the last one to say good-bye, i told her that i wanted her to go and be with Jesus, and that was the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. My flesh, wanted me to be selfish and tell her to fight, (she fought for 8 years). but i knew, she had suffered long enough. I feel like the only thing that i have in this world is my Faith in Jesus, i don't have a boyfriend anymore or much family. But i know that i have the comfortor of all comfortors, and that helps me to smile and look ahead. We are definatly in a time of spiritual warfare, where satan attacks us when we are most vulnerable. I get attacked a lot with feelings of guilt, loss of faith, and anger-everything, but i rebuke it and i just continue to follow the Father, my mom was such a spiritual person and i am definitly blessed because of all of the wisdom, the Holy spirit spoke through my mom. i hope that i helped you, you have also helped me, because when i speak of the Lord i remember that is why i am here, and i am doing what He Wills me to do. I will be praying for you Sally, and would love to help or encourage you in any way possible, Your friend in Christ-Natalie.
  4. I am so sorry to hear about your dad, my mom died september 23 after being sick for almost 8 years. She was diagnosed with cancer when i was 13, i am 22 now, and i am having a really hard time moving on too. i just wanted to tell you that even though you didn't get to say good bye, your dad still knew. my mom was in a comatose state for the last 3 days (she was a fighter) and i was the last person to say goodbye, she didn't say anything because she couldn't but i know she heard me because 30 min. later she died. I know that she was holding on for me, because i am the youngest in the family, she wouldn't even let me move out of the house, so here i am all alone without mom. I wish i could tell you something that will make you feel better but i really can only say that prayer, and time is what heals. I am so very new to this. she was sick so long that i almost got used to it, i never thought she would die. i feel like i am still in shock when it has been over 3 months. I feel so young, my mom will never see me get married or have kids or move out or graduate college. But you know, in the same sense she will, i feel that Jesus lets our parents visit us when we really need them, just my feelings, because i know that the times that i am hurting and feeling really alone, my beautiful mom is there. i hope i help just as much as i could, Natalie.
  5. My mom died of cancer after 7 years of fighting on september 23, 2003. i am 22 years old and i have lost everything that was normal. i miss my mom so very much, she was my very best friend. i just need someone to talk to that understands. i feel so alone. i am a Christian and that helps a lot but i literally don't have anyone, my dad had to move away, my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years broke up with me 1 week after the funeral and my friends are too into college and partying. i feel like i have been robbed. i don't know who to grieve over, my aching heart from lossing my boyfriend, or my best friend, comforter, and inspiration-mom. i feel like i don't cry enough, no one wants to hear about my problems and i have lost several close "friends" because they feel like i complain too much. I just don't know what to do, i am trying to move on but i feel like i dont know who i am anymore. i need her now more than ever! she would give me advice and would genuinly listen to me. all i ever want to do is just read and be alone, when i used to be a people person, i used to run 2 miles a day and always be outdoors, but now i don't care about health or anything. i just read the Bible and pray. i hope someone can relate and give me comfort, i just need a friend. thanks.-natalie
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