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Beautiful pictures!

My eye is literally driving me nuts, feels like a month instead of 5 1/2 days when this began. It burst last night, but still hugely swollen and red, pus and liquid came out.  Raises my BS 30 pts during the night.

Iris disappeared after telling me she'd take me to the doctor Monday morning, thankfully Heidi from the church took me to the opthamologist and also to my mammogram Wednesday.  I shouldn't have to go anywhere for a while.  

Contractor woke me up at 8:30 last night after I'd been asleep 1 1/4 hours!  Took me over an hour to realize it was still night, not morning.  I'd even made some coffee!  I mean, who does that!  I got dressed and slept in my clothes after discovering it.

Sounds like your balcony looks like my daughter's!

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Did they say hat was wrong with your eye and did they give you anything? maybe you touched something then touched your eye? Glad you got it looked at. 

I guess be happy your contractor is doing something , although his timing leaves a bit to be desired. Hang in there and keep me posted.

take care.

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All he did was wake me up and unload materials.  It would have been nice if he'd said "Sorry for the lateness but..." so I wouldn't have thought it morning!

I'm on a scary eye drop, can only use one week.  Still going through the heat and manipulation trying to express it...some swelling gone down, now a big sore on the lid, still swollen/red, very painful, can't drive, missed fireworkds. Church canceled our party because of the heat.  Tried to view fireworks on tv, spent an hour on the phone with Dish Network because I have closed captions that obliterate the picture, yet it's turned off everywhere, guy kept doing same stuff over and over, turning it over to powers that be.  Finally found fireworks on CNN but some hokey music with it, nothing like July 4th, horrible. Some places using drones instead.


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Eye skin came off lid, stings, today last day can use drops, this is hard and painful.

In middle of heat wave, 100 day, 86 in house with A/C running day/night.  Trying to cool house off with windows open, fan going, will close up when it starts to warm up and turn A/C back on.

Have wondered how you are faring in this heat?

Survived June, month of hard remembrances, parents and George.  Now this.  Fire nearby Salt Creek Falls. Forgot what they named it.  We hiked there two weeks before George died.

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Wow, you poor thing. Ive never heard of skin coming off the eyelid. I bet that hurts. Hoping that heals fast. You have the crazy weather. 100 degrees? Wow. My apr is set to 82 and with the electronics the bedroom stays 86 and 84 at night unless it cools under 80 at night. Today was 80s then droped to 78 from a short rain. but still a/c running alot. With fans on its not bad. The front room feels cool but if i took the electronics in there it would get hotter. 

Thankfully my brother doesnt call. I dont feel like arguing. he seems to think I need a high paying job and I dont, nor am I capable of getting one. Everything he tells me is nonsense. 

I have been trying to do a couple artworks for the author and have failed miserable. AI just doesnt seem able to do some things and not all that i ask. Im going to break down and learn Photoshop again. 

Memories, there are so many. I find myself with regrets and asking forgiveness for all my past mistakes. It doesnt work that way though. Whats over is over. But for those you love there are good memories? And being thankful for the time you had with them. I think thats all we can really do. 

In a way I am glad to be out of that house. And im happy that i dont have to mow and all that in this heat. But I do so miss sitting on the porch at night and watch the stars. My big leafed jasmine is doing so well on the balcony. Its twining into my rose and i trained it onto the railing. but I need a trellis. I'm guessing rent will go up once my lease is up but I'll stay. Its quiet and except for the car it seems safe. I think the bar locked on the steering wheel solved that one. 

Take good care of yourself. heal quickly.


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Oh, drone fireworks. yes they do that here as well. Ive never seen it but the old neighbors go watch, they like em. They arent like they used to be. I think people do them for the kids? And is just clueless.

Did you ever figure out what got on your eyelid? 

Hoping and praying you get a few days of peace and quiet. maybe little by little things will calm down...and no bears or cougars allowed.

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102 here yesterday, still trying to cool house off, not doing it, this will be another 100+ temp day.  Then down to upper 80s, welcome!

Opthamologist said castor oil plugged ducts, but this is on the eyelid as well, will never use that near eyes again!  When I got into my 70s my skin turned dry/flaky, but will stick to Eucerine Intensive Repair Lotion, it never did this.  Not using anything until it heals, could take a month he said.  Not entirely convinced the frog had nothing to do with this, but he says not.  Done with eye drops, used a week, otherwise I wouldn't have healed as quickly as I have, even though it's far from over.  Hate doing the heat "massage" treatments.

I agree, you owe nothing to your brother, not time, listening, nothing.  My sisters and brother never call, kids rarely do.  I've had more contact with my daughter lately, she texts, once in a while calls.  

I'm sorry AI doesn't seem to be working out for you.  I hate AI but all I know of it is Amazon's phone and FB's which has failed miserably.  I haven't used it for art work for sure.  I cleaned out my cardmaking room of thousands and thousands of dollars worth of tools, supplies, gave them away.  I haven't been able to use them since my hand injuries five years ago.  It's heartbreaking, I loved it as a stress reliever and the creativity.  I didn't even keep chalk, paint, nothing. I kept the small dies and zipemate, and some of the papers, cardstock & envelopes, that's it.  Not sure that I won't give it away too.  Did not keep one stamp, copic air compressor & markers, reinkers, placement table, I miss the mold I had for dryer lint, didn't intend to give it away but they hauled it all out of here without me seeing it.  Room looks better! Spent literally hours cleaning away the blanket of dust that gathered since my injuries.  Three SUV loads and 5-6 trips down the mountain with my Civic, all gone.

My daughter worried I'd have mixed feelings, I think most of the grieving has been done with my injuries, now it's moving to acceptance of my life as a person who has aged and has to grow accustomed to my life as it is now.

I'd say, go out under the stars and watch them, if you have to drive to a spot where you can view it...is there a park where you can?  It's sad how so much has been handed over to the homeless, don't know of any answer but it's not turning our parks over to them, they've started fires here already with our tinder dry conditions, that's scary.

Eugene had an art display put on by the homeless, I loved it!  The creativity, it was amazing, no matter how bad it gets, at least I have a roof over my head.  There are homeless, and then there are homeless, some through laziness/choice, some through hard circumstances and they're still doing their best.  A vast difference.

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Oh and I solved Panther's problem of earwigs taking over his catfood bowl...put a bowl of coffee grinds under/around it!  Worked like a charm.  Trying out on bird feeder too.  Solved...no more earwigs but wondering if birds will still come or not.  Will see.

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Coffee grinds, never would have thought of that. I had wondered whatever happened to that family of rats that used to eat from the birdfeeder. The buyers have a couple dogs so maybe that scares em away. 

We're near 100 for another week or so then low 90s. We wont cool off or rain till summer is over. My elec bill is doubling. But at least nowhere near what the house was. grateful for that. 

I always wonder at people who complain about the homeless. its really just one step to being with nothing and anyone can fall. I dealt with alot of people like that when I managed retail. Some good and many bad. but then what does living on the strets do to people. It certainly doesnt provide the best circumstances. That anyone can be on the streets and do well is amazing. But seems no one is addressing root problems. Instead of putting them in parks etc lets get them back to work, get care for them. lets get em productive, figure out why theyre there and do something. But then like you say, some seem like they accept that as their home. sad.

I like Eurcerin, seems to be good for skin. 

Honestly, I wouldnt go anywhere at night. Not that its unsafe but I just dont know. I dont know any parks around here. I dont really know where much is. 

My Dad used to love building balsa wood plane models from scratch. he and his friends made rubberband powered planes and went once a week to fly. When the parkinsons got bad he couldnt do it anymore and he fought like crazy. But had to give it up. I know that must have killed a part of him. One of his friends would sometimes give him a ride and Dad loved it. I offered a few times to drive him out then pick him up but he always ignored me, never knew why. I would suggest he call one of the guys to drive him but he said he didnt want to ask cause it was too much trouble. Ive had to give up pretty much all of my artwork. And I feel like the best part of me has fallen asleep. 

Sounds like you got it cleaned out really well, good to have that done. maybe take a day off?

Acceptance...I agree altho its hard. But what can we do? we can fight it tooth n nail and slow it down but cant win. I guess the wisdom is to do what we can and then accept it.

Tomorrow should be exciting. The bug spray people will be doing the building. I guess its every few months but no idea. they do the minimum required by state law and its not much. I dont see how its worth the effort. And i think I may run to the grocery store.Excitement...

Hoping you have no excitement, just boring peace and quiet. take good care of yourself.


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Boring and peaceful always sounded good to me.

Iris pulled some BS yesterday, she went to Eugene and got her nails done and groceries and lunch out with a friend, but didn't drop off her donations at St Vinnies or Goodwill, wanted to put them in front of MY FREE SIGN!  I asked her if she puts her stuff there how do I get rid of MY stuff!  And if no one takes it then what?!  She got mad and yelled that her roommate is moving in, she needs rid of it!  So she didn't bother dropping it off because she assumed she could dump it on me!  I was so pissed!
We have to drive 100 miles round trip to make said "donation."  When my free stuff doesn't go I have to count it as my one extra can for garbage pickup and have to put it in a trash bag.  We just had pickup.  She can put a free sign at the end of HER driveway just like I do!  None of my stuff went last time, I had to pay to haul it off.  I'm not paying to haul off her crap and I know her, she won't come back and get it!
No idea why your dad was like he was.  You're a good son, he was lucky to have you.
No sign of the contractor, but if he wants paid back for the materials he bought, he needs to come to the job.
It seems sad you don't have a place to view the sky. I can walk down the road a bit and see it, or if it's straight up I can walk into the middle of my backyard.  I can't view sunrise/sunsets here because of the trees, would have to go down the road a ways.  It's something I miss here.  My son had a gorgeous view the last place he lived, something I miss going to his place now.
I know you miss your art work, you'll just have to do it for YOU now.
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she assumes quite a bit doesnt she. Dump it in the ditch.

She's getting a roomie? Then the roomie can do everything for her and she doesnt need your help?

102 today, forgot to water my plants. the Lilac just cant stand the heat and it'll die im sure, esp after today.The roses still doing fine. Dont know where the day went, i worry about my mind beacause i find thiomgs to do that really dont matter much and dont think of the things I need to do. Oh well, something else to work on.

I dont need to talk to my bro for awhile. he is far left and with the attempt on Trump i dont want to hear him repeat what he heard on his news channel. I never get to talk to his wife anyway so she may as well not exist. His bday is on the weekend so that will be fun.

I can look back at my life. I think at heart my dad was a good guy and father. he was strict about many things and had strange ideas. like when I moved home he charged me rent because a man needs to pay rent. I ended up helping them so much more. But thats how it goes. I dont know if he was a narcissist all his life or just when he got old. I think it was always there and old age really brought it out. The dementia etc really really brought it out. But what breaks my heart and always will is that it made me so defensive that I reacted to some things i shouldnt have. I should have never taken anything personally and always just given love. I failed. If I could tell people who take care of their elderly parents id tell em that and to not do it alone. Anyway, done and over and we move on.

My dad...insight...I never fully understood until the last year of his life and he was telling my bro stories. When they were growing up they were dirt poor. I could tell those experiences marked him for life and effected the fundamental ways he saw life. it really hurt him. When he joined the air force, my Mom said, he loved the rules and regimentation. So when they got married he expected things to be done a certain way. And thats why he loved finding shortcuts to drive places. they were his and showed he was smarter than anyone. He found self importance in his friendships with professionals, even his banker. But all thru my life, he could never be wrong or admit fault. I remember one time as a kid we were fishing and I didnt want to stick my hand in a cage full of crickets cause I hated bugs. So he shamed me and walked away and refused to talk to me. So I stuck my hand in and grabbed one and baited the hook, and I showed him but he refused to even look. That i never forget. So i cnt say his narcissism was just and only from the dementia. 

What breaks my heart looking back is that when he was in the hospital I think his narcissism left him. He was very quiet, like he knew what was coming. he was nice again. And the last time I had visited him in the hospital, he wasnt talking so I started to leave and he called my name and he thanked me. I tried to assure him we would get him home but it never happened. This is the stuff my brother doesnt want to know and wouldnt understand except to try and use it to gain leverage on me. now he has been a narcissist for many years. 

Anyway, thank you and sorry to let all that out.

I miss that back yard, enclosed and alone. I can sit on my balcony when its cool at night and its usually very quiet. Sometimes i can see the moon, usually not the stars. But I think come Fall it'll be better. Part of the solution maybe is my artwork, pics of places id love to be.

I drank beer all my life. At times years ago too much. Nothing crazy but just too much. And up to a couple years ago it was 2 a night, my relaxation. last time I had one was several months ago. Didnt do anything to me or for me. I nursed it for a few hours and tossed it. Im too old. I used to enjoy the relaxing but it was robbing me and killing me. 

I have had coffee of some kind most of my life. Gave up normal coffee cause its too bitter and messed up my stomach. Ive been doing chai, instant coffee and cocoa w/ a lil creamer and is quite tasty. But it doesnt wake me up, doesnt give me energy. I just like the flavor. But does it really serve me. I may give that up too. I'll keep my green tea. 

Sounds like your guy is overwhelmed, he'll be bck, just on his own crazy schedule.

The author hasnt msg'd for days so im going to assume she has no more need of me unless I hear from her again. Oh well, now i know not to try and do that again lol.

How is Kodie and Panther? hoping for a quiet week, take good care.


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Under evacuation 🔥 all around. Up to midnight on phone or packing. Woke up at 3 by a skunk 🦨. 6 am Kodie stung by yellow jacket, iced it, it helped some, drove out 6:45 car packed in case 🔥 got out of line. Drove to Eugene to be there when vet opens, no one would see us, closed or full. Came home and unpacked, exhausted.

Iris ' pile is annoying. 😡 but the least of my worries. I hate summer and winter.

I was shocked at the news, I am a registered independent, family divided, vote my conscience. It brought up all kinds of emotions, I was in 5th or 6th grade when JFK was shot.

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Praying everything is ok now. So much for peace and quiet...get some rest. 

It used to be people could have a civil discussion on things, agree to disagree. But what this society has become is just insane. I would always support whoever I thought would do best for this country but that was usually conservative. If I can believe the guys who have done sniping and protection for a living, and on a national level...that whole event was botched from the start. 

How is the fire doing? How are you doing? 

Too bad theres no walmart close or you could just toss the stuff in their dumpster. Or donate to a homeless shelter but I know you dont have anything close.

How is kodie doing? is he ok?

Do you have a skunk that likes to hang out now?

Just cant get help for anything anymore. Is everyone going out of business?

Lets try again for peace and quiet. take good care.

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Wed. I evacuated to my daughter's out of town.  Lost my wedding band, it sickens me.  I've looked everywhere.  Came home Friday and unpacked, had checked the weather before I left and it was hot but fine.  Came home and they changed it to lightening tonight and tomorrow,  thinking I shouldn't have come home.  Winds 40 mph tonight/tomorrow.

Contractor finished back of carport, also charged $600 more than quoted.    Looks really nice though.  Praying my place doesn't burn down.

Panther did fine while we were gone.  

The fire that threatened us, could not get any closer, 10 acres...now there's one close by 110 acres, all depends on the headway they make and the 40 mph winds could spread it like wildfire.  Supposed to have lightening tonight and tomorrow along with the high winds.  Scary.

Trying to get my roof blown off today, we had high winds and it left a lot of seeds/pods everywhere.  Tried to find a picture but couldn't.

The little skunk is adorable.  I know better than to feed him though.

Melissa and Joshua's kittens were scared of Kodie, even though he never did anything.  Poor little guy, he's never hurt a flea!

Having the garbagemen pick up her stuff this week, annoys me as I can't get rid of any of MY stuff then!  Can't toss in dumpster, not ethical.

Iris left yesterday, coming home tomorrow night, she's planning everything by her plans and not the storm, crazy.


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Update: Chalk fire went from 10 to 600 acres in 24 hours.  High winds, lightening continuing, high heat.

Wondering how my electric bill read so high while evacuated when I didn't even have the A/C going!

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Stay safe......has it always been this way when it warms up to summer? I never knew the forests had so many fires.

At least the carport is done. I know it doesnt work this way but wouldnt it be nice if contractors charged their estimate when they go over? I bet materials werent cheap. Down here building materials went sky high during covid and are still crazy. I had a pile of 2x4s I had gotten that one insane winter before Dad passed and my neighbor saw em and told hang onto em. Ended up giving them to him for his place up in Oklahoma. They spend most of their time here and a couple months a year on a big spread up there. I expect theyll move permanent .

I often wonder about my elec bill. They make it so confusin to figure out I gave up. But the apt is better and im running under $90 at the highest. And I dont need to pay to water the grass, which is nice. Utilities are definitely better here than the house. 

I dont think I will be buying furniture for the front room and dining room. Really no need. It would just be a waste of money and then would have to move it one day. My plan, if I am able, is to stay here and renew my lease. Its actually very quiet here. I noticed the kids who used to play loudly seem to be gone. I dont know if thats for the summer or for good. bad as this sounds id rather not have kids around. 

Poor iris, she not planning right. 

Kodie is about the sweetest dog. But I guess kittens will be kittens. 

One of these days its going to be peaceful and nothing will happen. And you'll wonder. Would be nice to get a whole week of quiet.

So how is the fire situation? How are you doing?

Take good care of yourself.

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On 7/23/2024 at 11:13 PM, Tachi said:

Down here building materials went sky high during covid and are still crazy.

They are here too, that's why I didn't have it done then, who h4,as $10-$20k laying around, not me!  That's why he decided to use aluminum roofing for the back instead of cedar shakes.  I don't care for the shakes anyway.  And they harbor yellow jackets.

They corrected the usage on my elec. bill.

Panther got a huge mole this morning, proud of her!  He brought it up to the patio like a trophy!  Kodie alert warned me about the skunk twice during the night, which always earns him a treat.  Panther doesn't like treats but he does play with catnip toys.

Don't feel too sorry for Iris, she's all about herself and uses people.  She was home during evacuation and left when it was over!  Left again a couple of days ago too.  Air was great yesterday, today it's horrible.   Chalk fire 2,700 last night, but we have fires in every direction, it's sad.  Evac. level can go up at any time and we'd have to boogy.  Melissa and Joshua's cell tower is down, someone started a fire in a dumpster (gotta love it) and it took down the tower and backup generator.  Right where they live!

Eye hadn't improved, it's been four weeks since it started, so I went back on the drops, bad but hoping it'll help.  I noticed improvement day one.  

Must have bumped my head, woke up with a huge knot on my forehead just inside the hairline, so went to the doctor yesterday.  He told me to ice it and it's not infected, that was my concern because I do not recall bumping it!  It'd take quite a hit to give me this knot!  Goose egg the size of a silver dollar.

I'm a mess!  My friend in TX says she needs to come bubble wrap me! :D

I hope you have A/C!

2916 ACRES now


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Back up to the 100s again, no rain in sight. for the next week to ten days. my old neighbors are at their lil place in oklahoma and the one year od a/c went out.

yes A/C is running alot but the bills here are much lower than  at the house. Seems no one has money anymore. Many have been spending for everyday expenses. I have enough for probably 15 years at least but need income in case I live longer. 

Your two furkids there are warriors. Panther is making sure the yard is safe. And Kodie is quite the watchdog. Id say you're in good paws.

Praying the fires calm down and don't head your way. has it always been this way? I guess I've been naive all my life. I knew it was beautiful up there but had no clue about all the fires.

Ever consider that Iris is losing it? But then maybe thats just the way she has always been. I just hope her bad decisions dont cause her regret.

In a way its weird here. I dont walk near as much, miss getting out in the yard, and talking to my neighbors. They said the guy who bought my old house doesnt like yardwork. But his wife and her Mom like gardening. I hope she realises what a treasure they have there. Before I left i planted a ton of seeds and i wonder if any came up. I hope they enjoy the space.

Took a couple short video courses online about writing. they werent very good but I'll keep going. I started one about using AI in design and so far very interesting. I dont have the mind i used to have but im ok. I chuckle when I consider how my brother tried so hard to get me to pay 5-10k$ for a bootcamp. What a waste that would have been. I neither need nor want a high paying high pressure job. he wants me to be like him, no thanks.

You remember as a kid running through the sprinklers? Did you ever do that? memories lol. 

Are the eyes still improving? Hopefully that clears up. Hows the head? maybe you got up in your sleep and bumped the door, or have you ever been sleepwalking?

Hows the fires, are you ok?

Take good care of yourself.



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This is the worst spot to be in in all of Oregon, probably anywhere in the US right now. We are in the middle of fires and the air is horrific, been in the 600s and I can no longer walk Kodie, it' too distressing for him, he pants hard the whole time he's outside.  We have another 1 1/2 months of this. Prayin no more lightning, no more fires!  I'd take the snows of winter over this so long as they aren't too deep and don't collapse my house.

I've lived here 47 years and this is the 5th summer like this TBH, it's due to how they are now mismanaging the forest, no more logging, yet they won't admit it or change anything, environmentalism at it's finest, and it's our lives they're playing with.  Yay can't even enjoy the summer.

Iris was home for nearly two days and went back to her friend in Sweet Home, a couple of hours away.

Kodie had a short play date with Jazzy but very short, the air is so bad.

Iris is self absorbed, getting everyone to do everything for her.  All about herself.  Not sure what Mike saw in her but love is blind they say.  She's done the same with me, getting me to do everything for her but never reciprocating.  She'll do the same with her roommate.  I did what I did for her cancer and Mike's long haul Covid and eventual death.  And she used me horribly because the dogs had a relationship.  I have long realized that.

Head improving, left eye it's been 31 days, right eye has stye since Sunday, it'll get better within a couple of weeks.  Dog attack nearly well.  Still sick about losing wedding ring, I have looked and looked, so have the kids, yo no find.

No I don't sleepwalk, likely bumped it and forgot as it didn't seem that bad, am shocked I woke up with a huge lump on my head, but it rarely bothers me now, can't believe it was that recent, I feel every day it's something new to deal withften overlapping.  With all luck hopefully I can go to church Sunday. Kodie misses it.

My carport looks nice, wish I could do that with my shop too but no help cleaning out and have to wait a year for amnesty day.  Need someone with a truck to volunteer to take stuff in, hazardous materials.  I doubt TX is as strict as OR on things.  My best friend moved back there over ten years ago, maybe 12?  I sure miss her.

I'm glad you no longer have to take care of your parent's home, it was a lot, I'm glad you have a safe place to be, small, more manageable.

Little skunk continues to visit, just wish it wasn't middle of the night, waking us up.

Yellowjackets continue to haunt us, can't enjoy outdoors on the patio.

Gave Joseph a brand new tent and two sleeping bags, he was ecstatic. I'm beyond camping days.  Got rid of all fishing poles, reels, line, and rack too.  Little by little getting electrical/storage room getting cleaned out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny how kids go through college and get all this debt, have trouble finding work. They should have gone into a trade.

about 2 more weeks of 100 degrees starts next week. I just stay home. 

environmentalism, yea they cant admit theyre wrong and fix it. Thats why we always say if its not broke dont fix it. Used to be they knew how to take care of these things. they have alot more money now but where is it going to?

Hopefully, temporarily giving up coffee. its irritating my system so have to drop it for awhile, maybe for good. 

Yellowjackets...I had kept the wreath on the front door after Christmas, it was just the holly and stuff no ornaments. One day when it got warmer I started to take it down and got stung in the face by a couple of em, there was a nest behind it. Thats when i started walking the perimeter of the house every couple days. But oddly enough once i got the house painted they didnt come back. they dont like fresh paint. Then I found a couple nests in the bushes and those got sprayed pretty fast. They would glide just above the grass in the yard and grab whatever insects were in there. 

Sad how Iris is to you. She had the best friend she would ever find. Some people just care only about themselves. Hopwefully she will rely on her new roomie to do things for her.

I miss that old house at times. mostly for the link to my folks and my past i think. Sometimes i wish i had taken more memorabilia/history with me. But I think mostly because I somehow think it will help me understand things. but no, theres no udnerstanding things. And understanding anything wont bring my folks back. 

Honestly I could live just fine in an even smaller place, just a one room studio with kitchen and bathroom. Those with a slanted roof and window in it that lets in that gorgeous dusk light. Its funny all the things I used to dream about doing or having one day and it never happened and never will. 

Hows the fire situation. Praying as well for some peace from that. All I know of chemicals here is what we dealt with at work and that was mercury and some photo finishing chemicals. there were strict federal guidelines and we were audited regularly. I dont know about home stuff as i dont think i had anything that couldnt go down the drain like cleaners.

Wish you could get help with that shop. Wouldnt it be nice if some govt agency would come get the hazardous stuff and earn their taxpayer wages? I know, i'm dreaming. 

Can you put something out to keep the skunk away? Does panther hide when it comes around?

How are you feeling? Hoping for a quiet week, take care.


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The skunk doesn't bother Panther, he's never sprayed, this is the little one, he's adorable.  But I know better than to feed him, wild is best left wild, I put Panther's and the bird's food in at night so the skunk can't get into it.  He's nocturnal but sometimes still up when it's light.

Iris wanted me to go to town with her yesterday to Verizon and take the dogs so they could run at Lowell before coming home, they had so much fun.  She would have gotten groceries but her roommate has the refrigerator all full.  I'd have to have a talk with the roommate.  She obviously has no experience with roommates. 

The fires here in Oakridge change management every couple of weeks...this new one I don't care for, they make remarks that leave you feeling unsafe and they have an attitude.  I blocked this one lady who had the audacity to say she'd been here two weeks, like she knows anything,  I told her to try 47 YEARS!  We never had fires/smoke all summer until 2020 (5th summer) because they closed logging down and now they burn out of control.  She said we just need to learn to live with it.  That's when I blocked her.  Idiot.

Weather forecast is cooler temp and some rain, right away the fire mgt. mentions lightning!  Weather doesn't say that, but of course they have to get our fear and alarm bells going.  Idiots.  This is no way to live.

Evacuated twice this summer already and we're only halfway through.

I don't think the roommate is going to do things the way Iris wanted her to.  No only I got a concussion trying to please her.  Not any more.  Done.   She is used to commanding people to do her bidding for free...she met her match in this one.  I see roommate taking over her life...

So you had no paint, thinner, oil, etc.?  EVERYTHING is a hazardous material pretty much, except water!  And you have to remember we're all on wells and septic systems, they have to be self sustaining.  And you can't throw anything in the landfill.

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I guess the skunk doesnt feel threatened by Panther and vice versa. It seems the younger animals are less feeling like they need to fight, mybe.

Her roommate will learn, unless she doesnt mind buying all the groceries. I guess im doing well with groceries. I buy em every two weeks and spend under $300 a month. I could reduce that somewhat and probably ill but I get cravings still. Guess I still have adjustments to do. 

I think i'm giving up coffee for awhile. I can feel it in my stomach irritating it. I already gave up oatmeal for a bit too. Ive been having that every day almost along with peanut butter. But I could feel it like a lump in my belly all day. Now its eggs or a brunch of soup. Feels better. 

The people in charge of things now act like that job is there for their paycheck. They dont get tht they have a job to do and do properly. Thats alot of people in govt, whatever they do its their job and theyll do it their way and dont question. 

My neighbors probably hate me, I havent visited in a long time. I hate going anywhere when its so hot...106 today...on the chance the car breaks down im stuck walking in that heat. And I realize I really dont have a safety net. I need to find a reliable tow service and garage and anything else ill need and write down their phone.

Did you get any rain? They have to put a scare in everyone so they can seem to do their jobs. Like when we were kids and my brother and I walked down the street. A car would drive by and he would grab my shirt and push me at the car then pull me back and tell me how he saved my life.

The paint I had left over I left with the house. Anything else went to the haz waste collection center or my neighbor. There are a couple haz waste places in Ft Worth.  I gave the neighbor alot of stuff, alot. I think my dad at one point did some cleaning. Cause they were so helpful. He's the one who insisted on mowing my yard when I was on the catheter. I could do it but was really uncomfortable lol.

106 today. I had been worried my balcony would get too much sun. But quite the opposite it doesnt get alot. The fern is doing well, as is the bigger leafed jasmine, the Lilac struggles but keeps flowers on. The rose bush doesnt get enough sun and its straggly but it pushes out alot of small flowers. I forgot to get pumpkin and watermelons. After the 100+ degree heat i'll see. Im not sure I should get more non tropical plants but maybe theyll be ok on tat balcony in the cold. I do need to repot a few. Of course if I getmore tropicals they would all need to come in for the winter.

Hoping you folks get some peace and quiet, take care.


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I've evacuated twice this summer, we still have fires all around, smoke.  We got a fresh batch of lightning fires last weekend, are getting more on Friday.  I feel a difference in my health from the smoke, I shudder to think how it must feel to Kodie and Panther

How horrible of your brother! Kids or not, that's sadistic.  I'm sorry you went through that.

I doubt the former neighbors hate you, miss you is more like it.  And if it were that hot here, I'd want to stay in too.

It feels like it's an early fall, weather turning colder, dropping 15 degrees suddenly this week!  I'm still cleaning out this place, will take me years at this rate.

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They say we're in for a cold hard winter in the Cascades...one day at a time.  Last year was hard and they called it easy.  I don't call shoveling snow for 13 hours in a day "easy."

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Wow, you dont need another hard winter. I dont trust what they say anymore, they dont tell the truth. They thought it was easy because they didnt have to shove, their own snow.Our summer has broken and no more 100+ days. In fact we have some highs in the upper 80s coming up. 

Traded some texts with former neighbor, the wife. She had osteoporosis (sp?) closing down her nerves at the spine and causing many problems, they cleared that out, did great and she was doing fine. Now there's something in her leg and its pretty painful. I decided to hold off visiting for now since shes on painkillers. Will see in a week maybe.

Took the car for an inspection for registration. They said the break fluid is full of copper corrosion so will go back and have the fluid replaced. I realize now that I have no idea when or if it was changed. I know i havent had it done in the last 7 years that ive had it. It has just 8000 miles on it but still. I dont know how much I trust this place but it would be a good idea to do it.

How are the fires doing? Can you folks breathe? Maybe you'll get a few weeks of no fires before it gets too cold.

Someone in my building reported the smell of pot coming into their apt and they have kids so pretty upset. Guessing everyone in this building got a note on the door reminding that smoking pot is against the lease and gets em kicked. Never a dull moment. Overall pretty quiet though. Ive been told alot of the tenants go out of town for work, seems few cars.

Taking a couple days off then back to watching video etc. My digestion has been poor again and dropped the oatmeal, went to eggs. oatmeal feels like a lump in my belly. I also think that I need to eat more and smaller meals. Easier to digest. I want to avoid my doctors at all costs. the way they are they just do what they want and dont ask. i feel like a number.

attached a couple artworks. Enjoy and take good care.


Anime_mushishi_style_winter_snowfall_god_rays_old_temple_small_0 (1).jpg


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