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Mid to high 90s yesterday, today, tomorrow.  Five degrees higher in Oakridge.

The artworks are beautiful but I don't want to see any snow!

Woke up and my personal bookmark folder was gone.  No idea how/where.  280 bookmarks in it, collected over the years. Took me over an hour but I found one in a sidebar I never use and managed to put it on my screen and randomly tested the pws.  Funny, I can't open Costco in Chrome, my main browser.  Use AVG for it. Can't get Mozilla to work at all, one of these days I'll uninstall it. Don't like Edge. Can't open Outlook and Microsoft is not cooperative, to make matters worse they have my old cell # and I can't get in to update my info. They will NOT do a pw reset or send info to my gmail account, my main account,

I don't eat any grains, haven't for nearly five years to don't eat oatmeal, bagels, etc.  No high carb veggies either so potatoes, below ground veggies are out.  No milk/dairy except HWC, butter, low carb yogurt and rarely that.  Cheese okay.

Staying dark later in the morning.

Sounds like your neighbor will have to switch to gummies.  I would not like having the smoke coming through the apt. bldg!  Good for the manager!

I'm glad you made contact with your former neighbor, hopefully you can see them soon.

I've had my car 5 1/2 years and haven't put many miles on it, I know I had the brake fluid flushed twice in a row because Kendall Honda screwed up, charged me both times too.  I don't go there anymore.  Have my oil changes, etc. done locally.

Hope you have a good day!!

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Theyre forcasting rain tomorrow and high upper 80s for a few days. It should be cool enough to sit on my balcony at night. I'll believe rain when i see it. Ok I saw it, for about ten minutes and it was nice. Chance for rain all day tomorrow so will see.

I think Fall/autumn is my favorite time of year but it is so short here. I was always good with snow but I will refuse to drive in it anymore, too many idiots. Only thing ill do is buy a tool and scrape snow and ice off my stairs. 

Already thinking about the end of the year. I like it here and would like to renew but if they raise the rent too much im out of luck. One of the neighbors across the parking lot decorates their balcony and they put Christmas lights on their railing and lights inside and now i want to put up some blue lights. I think ill get a fake tree this year and decorate it in the corner by the kitchen and maybe decorate a few things. Not crazy but I need to get back into Christmas again.

Im going with eggs and fruit and tea for breakfast for now. Need to add in some meat. 

Going to try some cheesecake fatbombs next time i can get to the store. 

Got the car inspected and the brake fluid is showing rust and it occurs to me i've never had it flushed. i started a maintenance log. Good things is i dont drive much at all. 

My laptop seems screwy as well. Windows ran an update the other day and took almost all afternoon. Sometimes my login vanishes for some sites but not others. If you can you might try scanning your drive and running a defrag if it isnt automatically done. I think you had said yours was. I think they make a mistake by cramming so much into it. But thats how they make the money.

I still cant use Chrome on this laptop. Ive done all I can to it including deleting and reinstalling it. But it doesnt work, it either freezes or runs so slow as to be worthless. 

Well, I think i'll watch video all day tomorrow. That could be fun.

Take good care of yourself.


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It's been upper 90s last few days, will be cooler for a couple of days and then possible 100s the rest of the week, ugh.

I'm on Windows 11, not sure what you had. Haven't had defrag since losing Windows 7.  Chrome is my preferred, use it all the time. Couldn't get Mozilla Firefox to work, none of the pws were current so deleted it, thought I could import them if I started over. Nope, it remembered and put old pws back.  Won't use it.

Just found this, thought I'd try it out:

Keto Cheesecake Fat Bombs


  • 1 (8-ounce) brick cream cheese 
  • 3/4 cup strawberries 
  • 6 tablespoons salted butter
  • 2.5 tablespoons granular swerve or 1/4 cup confectioners swerve
  • 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract


  1. Soften Ingredients: Let cream cheese, strawberries, and butter sit at room temperature until softened, about 1 hour. Then microwave cream cheese in small bowl until very soft and pliable about 20 seconds.
  2. Puree Strawberries: Blend strawberries until pureed. Stir pureed strawberries, sweetener, and vanilla in bowl until well-mixed.
  3. Make Batter: Add cream cheese and butter to bowl with strawberry mixture, and beat using electric hand mixer until well-mixed without any butter or cream cheese clumps scraping down beaters and sides of bowl as needed. Divide batter among round silicone molds using back of spoon, yielding about 26 total fat bombs.
  4. Freeze & Serve Freeze fat bombs until solid, about 2 hours. Serve frozen, and transfer any leftovers to resealable bag in freezer.


Makes 26 Servings @ ½ net carb each




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Out hot weather broke, we were mid 80s today and down to 60 tonight. Ill need a blanket. I hope your temps come down asap. When do you get rain?

Going to do the recipe next time I get groceries, thank you. 

Im on Windows 10. Basically two kinds of hard drives. The older style is like platters and should be defrgged every so often, the newer style is like a big usb drive and doesnt need it. Some computers have both. They put the operating system on a smaller new drive because its faster and the storage/use space on the older style because its cheaper. 

Got the car inspected and the guy told me my brake fluid is so old its getting corrosion in it. I best go in this week. Granted I never drive but I dont want to have it fail. 

Talked to my Brother tonight and he was nice, wanted to know what I was doing. I didnt ask what he was doing since he never ever tells me. he just says work.

Been having stomach troubles etc, had started that years ago while going through my divorce. Seldom bothers me but I was drinking coffee and the occasional carbonation, which is really bad for me, but it was real tasty. So that is gone now and coffee is on hold for a few weeks. Finally today i ate and didnt feel any disconfort or pain so i do believe that was it. I still drink my green tea though. Doing scrambled eggs and fruit and tea for breakfast. The oatmeal is gone. 

Continues quiet in the apts. We had someone complain of a pot smell coming in. Someone complain of an aggressive dog unleashed too. But really quiet and I dont see many people. Last night I sat on my balcony and just watched the sky a bit, no sounds, no people. My renewal should be ready end of the month so ill see how much they raise the rent. I probably cant afford it but then I dont want to move. I treasure the quiet and the seeming safety.

Enclosed a pic made in AI. I wanted some dramatic clouds. 

How is Kodie and Panther doing? Have they started working on their Christmas lists yet? How are you feeling? Do you ever get peace and quiet or a day off?

Take good care my friend.



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Panther seems to have lost his voice due to the smoke, but it should begin to dissipate.  It's been in the 90s but drops down to 58 high tomorrow with rain and T&L.  Wish it was w/o the latter, don't want any more fires!  We got a new one this week and it was 140 acres when they learned of it.

Beautiful picture!

I have Windows 11, much prefer 10 but they're doing away with it in a year so I made the leap.  Can't get into my Outlook account so can't change the pw,  Microsoft is the least helpful of any of them, even though I answered all their questions time and again.

Had a scare with refrigerator this week, twice, left door unsecured and it leaked water all over the refrigerator and floor.  Yesterday it did it again only just inside the refrigerator.  I discovered if I bang the refrig. door shut, the freezer pops open!  So having to gently but firmly shut both at once. Geez!

Been 8 1/2 weeks since the Pit Bull attacked, still healing and have scars.

Iris' roommate not working out, she literally took over the house, garage, everything, and Iris has no place to put anything in her refrigerator!  Arianna gave her 30 days notice. She had her BF over all the time! 

Why I don't rent out my place to a roomie.

Kodie is a sweetheart!  Such a good boy.  Someone told me at church they wanted to take a picture of him up on the platform!

This next week looks to be cooler weather so maybe that will help the smoke/fires and thus Panther's voice.  He can still purr though!  

My eyelid is finally healing and no longer hurts, it was 3 1/2 months!

Good luck on your car!  I'm loving my carport.  Can't give stuff away with the rains but will again when it's gone.

I discovered on the cheesecake fat bombs they should be frozen overnight and kept in a bowl with a lid.  Very yummy although I made with blueberries.

I hope you have a good week!

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On 9/1/2024 at 6:03 PM, Tachi said:

I still cant use Chrome on this laptop. Ive done all I can to it including deleting and reinstalling it.

That's how Mozilla is for me!  And they downloaded my old bookmark passwords, I just won't use it.

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They started foundation work yesterday on my building. theyre levelling etc and putting in concrete piles. Today i thought...theyre going to bust some pipes. Sure enough about %:45 the water went off they had busted a pipe. I called the head maint guy and he said he was stuck in traffic but had one of his guys onsite who would fix. They were going to cap it off and all he needed to do was cit thru some sheetrock and cap it. Office texted about 6:15 and said about an hour. Well its now 11:30 and no water. But there is a plumbers van outside my apt in the lot. So maybe its worse than they thought and that scares me. If its not fixed tomorrow i'll need to get a hotel room. 

One of the neighbors in the old neighborhood had lost her husband and sold the house to move to oregon near her kids. She had a buyer for the house but had foundation problems. They jacked the house up and busted all the pipes. So them breaking pipes scares me. I cant be here without water for more than a day or two and hotels are expensive. Anyway, i went and got some bottled and jugged water so will see tomorrow if they can fix it tonight.

So Iris' new roommate is moving out eh? Sounds like she needs a place of her own. Iris probably thought she would get a servant. I wouldnt have a roommate unless it was a last resort. On one hand i should have remarried but on the other hand i couldnt have been able to take care of my folks.

Pardon me for being lazy, I paused to finish this this morning and about 12:15 they got the water back on. They had called out a plumber and bless his heart he got it done. I bet that was expensive. Now we will see if the foundation guys can finish up today and not break anything, Our notice indicated one day but that seems a bit off. 

Glad your eyelid healed finally. That was a slow healer. I have a place on my foot where the compression hose in the hospital rubbed it to a wound and it left a scar.

You have a touchy refrigerator. It hurts its feelings when you slam the door so it acts up. I guess that would be one way to defrost it, altho not the best way :). Used to have an eye doctor who had theories about inanimate objects. Nice man and very interesting.

Hoping things clear out there. Poor Panther. He needs a small gas mask I guess. We forget what the wild animals endure. It seems such a small thing, thunder and lightning, when it doesnt pose a fire threat. But out there its very important. People who dont have to deal with it dont realise what a blessing it is.

Kodie deserves the attention and yes he should be in pictures. he is really special and I hope people give him lots of love and er scratches. 

I guess this is wishful thinking but hoping for a few days and peace and quiet. This laptop is grinding to a halt because it needs to be updated. And even though its not supposed to its downloadig for it. So I'll surrender and reboot.

Take good care of yourself.



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2 hours ago, Tachi said:

If its not fixed tomorrow i'll need to get a hotel room. 

Make them pay for it. Meanwhile, where do you go to the bathroom?  I can go in the woods and do when the power is out (no water when no electricity).

I looked up defrag on my laptop and it says it optimizes my computer once a week. So that's good.

It's been in the 40s today, walked Kodie and fed Jewels her apple, no sign of T&L yet but possibly before end of day. Rain though.

I spent hours yesterday trying to find someone who would come out and work on the refrigerator (it did it again and I know I shut it carefully).  Finally found someone who will come out Monday but have to pay $155 for being out of area, hoping he can fix it.  The tube is connected so here's hoping he knows what to do and doesn't need to order parts.  If he orders parts it's another strip back and another $155 out of area fee.  Sears no longer makes the Kenmore that fits in between my cupboards.  Sears is for all intent and purposes out of business.  :(  Where I bought all my appliances.  Warranty went off during evacuations with nary a call or email from them.  They'll work on ones under warranty only. 

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Maybe the frigerator is leaning forward now. Some have adjustable feet like a screw with a pad on the floor, or maybe the stripping around the door is old and worn. If you have someone who can do it have em rock the frigerator back just enough to put a penney or a wad of paper under the front feet of the fridgerator. 

I had enough water to flush the toilet twice but luckily they got it working just after midnight. Theyre working the foundation again today but there arent alot of pilings left sitting on the sidewalk so maybe theyre about done. they still need to put all the dirt back. I dont know if they need to pour any concrete. But hopefully theyll be done by friday.

Right now is 77 and looks like rain, although it wont. Normally i'd open my balcony sliding door but not with the noise. hopefully have a quiet weekend coming. Maybe you'll get a nice quiet rain and get to relax. 

Take good care.

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T&L predicted all day/night Wed./Wed. night, couldn't take Kodie out for full walks in case, BS higher this morning.  

Glad you got water back!  The things we go through, you think it's going to be a normal day but guess again!  A friend of mine yesterday!

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Refrigerator did it again.  Tilting it doesn't help. It's coming from the unit so I can't tell where exactly.  Could not stop it.  Four more days until repairman comes...major stressed over this.

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Good news!  I wanted to let you know, Panther meowed yesterday!  And the smoke was gone but back today although not as bad as it has been, here's hoping...

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BP high so working on it. Wondering if I should cancel colonoscopy, don't want to do one with it this high.

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I finally fixed the computer issue, had to uninstall Office 365, it didn't change anything. I tried reinstalling it, still didn't change anything, restarted computer, voila, it worked! Only took two hours...now if my refrigerator repair goes as well I'll call it a win day! Also took down A/C last night, extender duct tape didn't want to come off, window fell out (windows aren't true), I wrestled with it, finally got it back in, not w/o bending the frame, bent it back somewhat, cleaned in between storm window and regular one, took at least an hour of blood sweat & tears but got it done!

Oh and Dish network wouldn't work last night. Geesh!

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