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18 minutes ago, KarenK said:

Second cataract surgery is done. A little rougher than the first because of the contraption used to hold the eye open. Underneath eye swollen. Kind of look like I've been in a bar fight and I don't even remember ordering a drink. lol  All in all, I think it went well. Will know in about 10 days.

No laughing too hard here but.....while getting in place on the operating table, I reinjured the shoulder that I fell on a few nights ago. They put a pillow under my arm during surgery. Not exactly fun trying to pull myself up into the truck for the trip home. I really need to quit falling down!

Karen:  What a relief to know it's all done.  Sorry you got beat up by "eye contraption".  Yes, falling is not a good thing.  Anxious to hear after 10 days; thinking positive.  Hugs, Dee

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Gad to hear you are done, Karen.  Yes, a good idea to stop falling.  I know you like your 'fun', but you gotta grow up someday.  😁

Seems our little group is getting hit hard.  Too much happening in our little family.  Why is it the good dreams slip thru our fingers and the bad stuff sticks like tree sap, hard to get off?  

Heard Melody is doing well.  I want my little girl back so bad.  Off to watch some TV and prepare for another long day filling with problems.  Then there’s rehab to deal with.


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So glad to hear that Melody is doing well. I've been meaning to ask about her.

Which insurance is trying to discharge you? Is it your supplemental, because Medicare is supposed to cover 100 days in a skilled nursing facility. I guess I just assumed the supplemental would follow Medicare decisions.

Still hoping for the best....

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11 hours ago, KarenK said:

Not exactly fun trying to pull myself up into the truck for the trip home.

Your son needs a step stool to carry for when you need to get in!  Does he have one of those bars to step on on the passenger side?  Still you have to pull yourself in, that's hard.  Tell him to push you up into it!  Oh yeah, forgot, you're trying not to laugh while your at it.

I hope you told the surgeon if you'd known he was going to give you a black eye, he should have at least provided drinks!

Seriously, I hope you show marked improvement with this surgery, even if not perfect.  I haven't had perfect vision since I was nine.  They're waiting for me to lose insurance before they want to do cataract surgery, same with everything else.  I hope they never get rid of Medicare, as some have talked about.  We'd be in a world of hurt.

11 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Yes, stopping falling is an excellent goal.

I fell down this week and was very fortunate I didn't injure myself this time.  Can't count how many bad falls I've taken since 2010.  I have sustained permanent injuries and some that healed but hurt like hell for a long time.  The worst was when I fell at the vet in 2017.  Tons of injuries, permanent to knee/s, toes, at least my broken fibula healed, no thanks to my doctor.  I broke my right elbow (with a manual car, that was hard commuting 100 miles to work and back!).  I broke my nose, blacked my eyes, pulled muscles inn back, shoulder, neck.  Bruised tailbone.  Got hammer toes. Tore my meniscus, that took a year to heal!  Couldn't afford time off work for surgery, just had to keep going,  It's what you do when you're alone.  These hand injuries have been the most debilitating, 11 in all, 8 of them dog bites, one a hard yank from the chow, an overzealous dermatologist, and a botched surgery.  All but 5 of the dog bites  left me with continual pain, numbness, severe loss of strength, scar tissue and arthritis. 

I feel for you.  No one warned me about how old age would be...alone, painful, struggling, and in survival mode.  The pictures of cruises and Bahamas are deceiving.

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9 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I want my little girl back so bad.

I think this would kill me the worst.  :(  I wish there was a neighbor kid to help with feeding her and letting her in/out certain times of the day.  This is one of the reasons I still live here, the community here is very caring and supportive of each other, I love my neighbors!

8 hours ago, KarenK said:

Which insurance is trying to discharge you?

I wondered too, Peggy's supplemental said she'd never get a bill, that they'd cover what Medicare didn't but she got a bill for something the other day and I told her to call them about it...she's in her "Oh well....." mode which means she'll just pay it.  Awckk!  She rarely listens...

I just have Medicare Advantage so heavy copays except PCP.  

Gwen, still hoping something will materialize for you that will allow you to be home and manage, ALSO for your back to heal!!!  Peggy said hers took about a year, but she did no exercises, nothing, Bert took care of her completely.  Oh to have that luxury!

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Kay, I'm fortunate that I've never broken anything or done any lasting damage, just some cuts and bruises that heal in a couple of weeks. All due to carelessness tripping over things. We don't seem to bounce as well as we used to, do we? You need to start biting those dogs back!

My truck doesn't have steps, but has grab bars above the windows which I've always used to pull myself up. Will be okay once shoulder is better. Truck is high off the ground, especially for a short person.

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I was not gifted the ability to say in 2-3 sentences something.  I have to write 66 lines, go back and read it and then delete it.  I'll try.  Took my sister for bronchoscopy.  Tried to help her up steps to her apartment.  Had to stop often.  She keeps boxes in front of her door and threw up and kept gagging into one box. Said there was no blood. She sent me home.  She is so much like our dad.  I told her if I had not hear from her by nighttime, I was going to come check.  I know her impatience was results of the anesthetic, plus she wanted me to leave so she could smoke.  It is hard to raise a sister that is nine years younger than you.  Especially when she is fixing to be 71` and then I will be 80 later in the summer.  

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

fell down this week and was very fortunate I didn't injure myself this time.  Can't count how many bad falls I've taken since 2010.  I have sustained permanent injuries and some that healed but hurt like hell for a long time.  The worst was when I fell at the vet in 2017.  Tons of injuries, permanent to knee/s, toes, at least my broken fibula healed, no thanks to my doctor.  I broke my right elbow (with a manual car, that was hard commuting 100 miles to work and back!).  I broke my nose, blacked my eyes, pulled muscles inn back, shoulder, neck.  Bruised tailbone.  Got hammer toes. Tore my meniscus, that took a year to heal!  Couldn't afford time off work for surgery, just had to keep going,  It's what you do when you're alone.  These hand injuries have been the most debilitating, 11 in all, 8 of them dog bites, one a hard yank from the chow, an overzealous dermatologist, and a botched surgery.  All but 5 of the dog bites  left me with continual pain, numbness, severe loss of strength, scar tissue and arthritis. 

Gosh Kay, you sound like my Kelli.  She broke her tail bone. (and numerous others), plus the inguinal hernia she now has. One time she fell in the shower and sat butt first on a shampoo bottle.  Fell down our garage steps (two of them).  Left our RV when Billy was sick (they were living in the house) and I said "I don't hear anything, she has fallen".  Opened the door and she was spread eagled on her back.  

All I can do is wish us all better luck in the future.

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My understanding is Premera Blue Cross made the decision to discharge me.  Rehab provided the info.  I have no idea where Medicare fits in here.  I would think if I had 100 days, the facility would know that.  It states in my blue cross benefits that after 20 days I go to a copay for each day.  Last time they extended my stay 5 days.  This year I am worse and they won’t.  I’m going to upset myself and call this other agency/part that made the decision.  I don’t understand the timing and ignored need’s only a place like this can provide.  I want to know why this particular date.  What info they were given that made it sound I could be at home.  No one here I’ve talked to feels I am ready.  Whenever I bring up the private pay I get a lot of apologies, words don’t pay the bills.  They want me to stay, but no one’s going to pay for it from their 'concern'.  

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Really confusing, I know. Medicare should be your primary paying the majority first and Blue Cross should pay the rest. You really need a patient advocate to help figure this out. My United Healthcare pays whatever is left after the Medicare payment including the Medicare deductible. I have no co-pays.

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2 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

My understanding is Premera Blue Cross made the decision to discharge me.  Rehab provided the info.  I have no idea where Medicare fits in here.  I would think if I had 100 days, the facility would know that.  It states in my blue cross benefits that after 20 days I go to a copay for each day.  Last time they extended my stay 5 days.  This year I am worse and they won’t.  I’m going to upset myself and call this other agency/part that made the decision.  I don’t understand the timing and ignored need’s only a place like this can provide.  I want to know why this particular date.  

Gwen:  In an effort to try to understand I googled Medicare part A to see what might be happening.  Like Karen wrote, my supplemental picks up what is not paid by Medicare.  Could Medicare be counting the days you were in the hospital for your first surgery?   Not knowing what your supplemental covers, it sounds like you have reached the point where even though you need additional "rehab" or hospital care, you will have to pay out of pocket unless Medicare/and Premera Blue Cross can be challenged.  I do hope you get some answers, soon.  This is such a terrible battle to fight alone. 

I really don't know how anyone can understand Medicare Coverage.  It's so confusing.  Hugs, Dee

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Very confusing, Karen!  I don’t even know how I’d find an advocate.  This is making me wonder what I have Medicare for.  Why aren’t they billed first?  Why am I even involved at all?  I have no knowledge of any of this.

Dee, I’ve only had the 2nd surgery in 2022.  The other was 2021.  This is all news to me.  From what I could find there is a deductible to be met for Medicare A. I don’t know where that is coming from.  I’m not signed up online and my card is at home so that will have to wait.  

The situation at rehab is that my insurance doesn’t think I need to be here despite what the various departments have seen, worked with and documented.  That’s hard to fight in the machine medical care has become.  

Thanks for the link, Kieron.  


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I am clueless about this stuff and would be up the creek without a paddle if I were in this situation as I don't have supplemental, can't afford it, only have Medicare Advantage (United Healthcare).  They call the shots.  It's my understanding they cover three weeks rehab, after that I'm screwed.  

None of this is right.  They make it all so complicated, at a time/age when we can least deal with it.  When you're in rehab or hospital they should have a patient advocate.

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Kay, you should have Medicare as your primary with the premium deducted from your SS. Your supplemental is your Medicare Advantage which you pay separately for. Is this what you have?

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I got a referral for someone that sets this up with Medicare.  Telephone tag begins, but I don’t think it will help my situation.

Everything is changed (feeling sick most of the time) since I’ve having to take supplements my stomach never had to process before.  With the added meds, pain control, fatigue and constipation, I’m really messed up.  How did it get to this? After talking with my therapist, I learned there are so many scenarios and having personal supplemental means I’m not a candidate for government help probably. She is and had a $10,000 bill cut to $700 because of her income.  My insurance rep and I went thru the best possible coverage at the time not knowing these surgeries would happen.  It won’t wipe me out if the denial holds up, but it will impact my retirement.  Add in Melody's surgery and being kenneled as the sitters have been traveling and it’s getting tight.

Now that I’m on appeal, they’ve cut my PT time down.  We found a good way for me to do more on my own with the portable oxygen.  Had to get creative how to attach the oxygen tank is my rolling walker so I can go on walks whenever I want.  Don’t have to pace the room now.  I overdid it last night, but it sure felt good to leave the room.

Heat still isn’t working.  Told them I will not move rooms again.  Told it may take 2 days but was told that 2 days ago too.  Makes getting settled into bed with an extra blanket a bit tough.  I miss a bigger bed.

Will see how my wounds are doing today.  One gets worse, the other better and visa versa.  All in all both are better, I guess.  Start another day and see what surprises it brings.  Hopefully no one with crying news.  That would be a odd experience I’m up for.  Earl lawn mowers yesterday.  Means color is coming. 🌷





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Sure glad you will get a chance to talk to someone that may be able to help you with this insurance mess. So unfair that you may have to pay out of pocket. That's the whole point of having supplemental insurance!

My stomach would be a mess for sure with all the stress you're going through. Try some prune juice. It might help.

Since you've had this extensive surgery, I wonder if insurance would pay for the small portable oxygen at home so you don't have to hassle with the tubing and larger tanks anymore.

Hoping for a brighter day tomorrow.

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16 hours ago, KarenK said:

Kay, you should have Medicare as your primary with the premium deducted from your SS. Your supplemental is your Medicare Advantage which you pay separately for. Is this what you have?

No, Medicare Advantage is a type of Medicare that SUPPLANTS regular Medicare.  There are many different companies that do Medicare Advantage, I used to have Healthnet and thankfully switched a year ago to AARP United Healthcare.  United Healthcare ALSO does supplemental programs for people who have straight Medicare, in addition to the Medicare premium, I can't afford supplemental.  You see advertisements on Dr. Phil about Medicare Advantage programs.

4 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

having personal supplemental means I’m not a candidate for government help probably.

This is what kills me...if you are really low income, the gov't will take care of all of your needs.  If you're rich you can afford to pay for it yourself.  But if you're neither, have to watch your money but don't qualify for helps, it's a tough place to be.  That's where we are!

4 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Had to get creative how to attach the oxygen tank is my rolling walker so I can go on walks whenever I want

My sister gave up her oxygen/tanks, I wish she hadn't, it's hard to get them set up in your home, I fought for it, and w/o any discussion, she told them to pick them up.  I hope her oxygen levels are good.  She told them she never needed them.  Yes, she did.  She was at 91/92.  Sigh...

I'm glad you have yours set up to flow with you now rather than trip you up!  The cords are a pain!

4 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Means color is coming. 🌷

Snow is heading my way...ugh, hopefully not much.  They need it at the pass level, we don't need it here, we do need rain.  I slept 2 1/2 hours last night.  Got up to go pee, never got back to sleep.  Laid there for hours listening to it rain.  You'd think I'd go to sleep, I love the sound of it, but nope!  Will be tired today.


1 hour ago, KarenK said:

So unfair that you may have to pay out of pocket. That's the whole point of having supplemental insurance!

Exactly!  When Bert went to hospice care (my BIL) they said the first five days would be free, after that $500/day copays...he died day #5.  

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On 3/2/2022 at 11:45 AM, KarenK said:

Kay, you should have Medicare as your primary with the premium deducted from your SS.

I’m paying for part B every month and don’t see anything it is doing for me.  I dread doing it, but I have to call.  It says it should be helping with my home oxygen, but it’s just been Blue Cross and me paying at least rom what I can see.  I show zero for part A, and reading the deductibles it’s more expensive than my supplemental.  This is nuts!

karen, I don’t need smaller oxygen tanks at home.  I have tubing that reaches the whole house.  I have the portable for the car, tho it’s still hard to carry.  Calling it portable is almost a joke.  Guess I should call them too and find out why they aren’t billing part B before my other insurance and me.  


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Today started bad going to bed last night.  New nurse didn’t bring my sleep meds til after 2am.  Lost a good half hour on that.  My morning nurse spaced out my meds almost an hour so was behind.  Heat won’t be fixed til rain stops.  Trying to find out if Medicare B is billing my oxygen company as I am paying for B.  Best I could find was that it was never updated to the change when I hit 65.  Left it in the hands of an insurance rep to update them.  It could bring my bill way down.  That’s always dangerous for follow thru tho.  

Another short day with PT.  Can’t do anything more than we have and it being cut by this appeal.  Told me I did too much yesterday which I found out myself late last night.  I have such a hard time between 3 and 5. Don’t know what to with myself.  It’s like clockwork.  Same with about 8 to 10pm.  I notice most all the other residents are kinda lost too.  I went to the activity room and watched Judge Judy to kill time.  Blah. I want to feel productive.  If I were at home I could get a jump on the mail pile, taxes and Steve's van running.  Don’t have a clue how I’ll handle daylight savings in a week regardless of where I am.  This is when I envy Karen.  No one here likes it.  It’s useless beyond creating grumbling and a good week to adapt.

Tomorrow I finally talk to the surgeons assistant.  Last I checked they had the early February X-rays.  I’m both looking forward to and dreading this.  Things just don’t go well in my world anymore.  I can’t think of one significant encounter that hasn’t had a negative tag attached somewhere.

Can’t find anything decent on TV.  So tired of commercials.  Least movement time after biggest meal.  Got to change that.  Cleaned my night guard and it about killed me standing.  Trying to get my night meds early tonight to avoid a repeat of last night. I just realized that nurse gave me too big a dose of thyroid and not mine that I brought in.  Then do this all over again.  How exciting!  😢


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15 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Best I could find was that it was never updated to the change when I hit 65.  Left it in the hands of an insurance rep to update them.  It could bring my bill way down.  That’s always dangerous for follow thru tho.  

Gwen: Hoping you can get some answers soon.  Can't imagine how something like turning 65 and eligible for Medicare can be overlooked by your insurance company.  As I have mentioned previously, Medicare and Supplementals are so hard to understand and keep abreast of the constant changes.  I do think I should thank you, though.  Your unfortunate trials and tribulations have forced me to keep more abreast of my medical plans.  Prior to losing Bob, I never had to worry about these kind of worries.  He took care of that for us.  😪

I too am so tired of TV.  The news only puts me into a deep feeling of sadness and I really don't find anything worth watching in the evenings very often.  No interest in turning on the TV in the daytime except to listen to the music channels and listen to Country Classics or music from the 50's and 60's .... Am I showing my age here?  lol

16 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

 Trying to get my night meds early tonight to avoid a repeat of last night. I just realized that nurse gave me too big a dose of thyroid and not mine that I brought in.   

Did not know you could bring in your own medication to be dispensed by hospital nurses.  Another thing learned about medical/hospital/insurance care.

Hoping for a better day for you.  Hugs, Dee

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I never watch the news, just skim over a local website and disregard most of it. I also listen to Classic Country on the music channel. Don't like the new stuff at all! I do watch a lot of tv, movies all day long(while reading my Kindle) and medical and police dramas at night. Not a very productive life, but as long as I keep the house fairly clean and fix meals, I'm doing what I can.

Gwen, I hope all the medical people involved in your care are filing everything properly. If any of them have skipped Medicare, it will make a huge difference when it is corrected.

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Yesterday someone thought waking me up for vital signs at 7:30am was somehow exempt from the 'do not wake up til 10' posted on the door.  Left the overhead light on so had to get up to shut it off.  Some things are faster without an aide.

These posts are getting very boring to read.  Wish I knew how others handle their days, tho I know you all have things in life that require attention, make the time pass faster or you’ve adapted better. I know spending the majority of my time on my iPad is adding to the extreme fatigue and many rewrite’s as I get ahead of myself. 

Had my appointment with the surgeon.  X-rays look good.  No damage done in a month so that is a relief.  He says I am in a transition period of healing from the trauma combined with more exercise to strengthen my core.  That eventually I will stand up straighter.  But it will take many weeks and how much I don’t know.  He understood it is a tough place to be mentally.  Supposed to be listening to my body for when to quit by pain signals.  Wasn’t surprised I was pushing it.  Did some extra after dinner just……..because.

I still don’t have heat.  Told it would be fixed today.  Administrator talked to maintenance then came to see me.  Guess it’s more complicated than thought but I still don’t want to move.  It’s not just a physical pain, but my phone is direct and with all my contacts.  What annoys me most is I was told I’d be informed and no one did.  

Saw one of my pressure sores and it looks awful to me, nurse says normal for healing.  It’s a hole in my skin to the next level!  I see why it could lead to surgery if it got down to the bone.

2 hours ago, Widow2015 said:

Did not know you could bring in your own medication to be dispensed by hospital nurses. 

Only with name brand meds.  I take 3 that generic don’t work.  The other meds I am on are generic so I take theirs.  I hear ya about Steve being here.  I always did the insurance, but financial stuff was his, like taxes.

I'm dependent on TV in the afternoons now.  Never was.  I hate silence now and have stopped listening to music since he left.  The kind I like takes me to many places that hurt too much.  I like good movies and drama’s.  No good comedies that I have found since Big Bang ended.  

3 hours ago, Widow2015 said:

Am I showing my age here?  lol

Heh heh…..all I need to do is look in a mirror.  Try and do anything that takes flexibility.  All the feminine wiles of my once caring self.  Especially the hunk who’s hand I held, locked arms with walking and laid my head on for feeling good or bad.  The one who wouldn’t mind me showing my age.  I always felt pretty with him.  I miss making him feel good too.  Even when he needed to buy bigger jeans.  


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1 hour ago, Gwenivere said:

The one who wouldn’t mind me showing my age.  I always felt pretty with him.  I miss making him feel good too.  Even when he needed to buy bigger jeans.  

Oh, Gwen, I feel that way too. I've always lacked in 'self-esteem', but for my husband I was beautiful, a good person, he brought out the best in me, as they say. Now that's all gone down the drain, I'm just an object getting on with life in  a mechanical way, doing things because they have to be done, not caring about anything, no emotions, nothing. The first thing I do every morning when I wake up is cry. 

Gwen, your posts are not boring at all. I always read them and I really feel for you, you're going through such a tough time, poor thing. A big hug to you. 

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George is the only one who accepted me "as is" and loved every wrinkle, every vein showing in my hands (which I hate), he truly cherished me...yes, I miss that.  Dogs don't notice we're aging and I like that too.  The rest of the world seems to judge for it.

Gwen, are you freezing?  Do they have an electric blanket?  Space heater?  They need to do something!  I understand about not wanting to program a new phone, ugh!  My cellphone has cracks all over it (it started with one it came with and went from there) and I hardly even use it!  But my landline, I have one tethered to the wall, no place to put a chair near it, only use it when electricity is out, have to stand in a corner to use it!  I have three portables, always need charged, suddenly go dead w/o warning, ditch messages you're trying to get, etc.  But I do not want to have to reprogram the 50 phone numbers I have in it, I don't have them written down anywhere else!  Someday I need to go through it and write them down...ugh!

I didn't know they allowed people to bring their own meds, but who gets name brands?  Ins. dictates if you can/can't use them!  Do they go through your purse when you come there?  Can you bring your own pain meds in for when they "forget?"  Gosh I hate trusting those people to give out meds on schedule, they've already shown they can be hours late or skip them, or wake you up for them, they're insane!  This is not "care!"  Not by my way of looking at it.  No wonder Peggy was loopy in the hospital and rehab, then they didn't want to send her home!  It's not only being out of her own environment but also getting off schedule.

We care about you, Gwen, I just wish we lived close to I could help you with Melody and showers, etc.  Dee is a godsend!

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