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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Gwen, I'm beginning to think you'd be no worse off at home. Sure, you might have to rearrange things a bit to accommodate your needs, but that may be only temporary. Rehab is doing nothing for you except causing more stress, no therapy, missed medicines, screwed up meals, hygiene when they get around to it, all at a huge price, I'm sure. At least at home, you could control your own life, set up your own home health, therapy, and better food. Unless of course, rehab wakes up and starts doing a much better job paid for by insurance.

All of this is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.

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You’re not the first for have the same observations, including myself. I’m the most worried that I will lose walking distances and not gain any more PT.   I can’t do it out patient because I cant drive and am not going to ask Dee to do that every day.  I don’t even know if my insurance will give me that option.  Last year it was twice a week.  I might feel better not doing all the walks.  But I’ll pay for that as my muscle’s get weaker.

I knew there would be bumps in the road.  Checking my bank I made 2 large payments to this place  and now there is another almost identical billed.  The court called to confirm the phone meeting next week.  Took my first walk and feel I’m always hurting myself.  Can’t breathe either til i stop.  I cant stop wondering if I had been given continuous care since February if  I’d be better.  Theres no way to find out now.  It’s hard to live with that everyday.  Especially for over a year now.  I try and keep my aides aware of that and it’s not personal as I’m not very patient.  Just heard it’s going to be 90 Degrees Sunday and Monday.  Ive don’t know hoe I’ll handle that as my sleep had me shorting myself on pain meds as they were too close together. There’s got to be a way of taking my pain meds more evenly spread thru the day. 

Played bingo yesterday afternoon.  3 residents had saved me a seat with them. That felt good.  It’s nice to matter even if it’s just for a little while.  Makes the rest of the time harder tho.   We know who we want to matter to the most.







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I just assumed(dangerous to do, I know) that PT did visits like home health. Maybe they don't and you'd have to travel. As for distance walking, you may have to wear a path in the floor walking back and forth. Not funny, I know. I can see how all this is driving you nuts. There's just so many parts to all of it.

Glad you got some bingo time in. I've been watching a few episodes of "Little House" each night. Brings a small sense of normalcy to these chaotic times.

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Up since 2:30 am (I usually get up at 3:30 but fortunately went to sleep at 7:30 as Kodie woke me up at 2:30, seeing Panther Kitty outside.  I assured him it was okay if Panther Kitty was there and he doesn't need to wake me up over it!  He looked at me like, "Are you sure, mom?!"  Yes, I'm sure, Kodie.  Been working on my diabetic group since, over four hours, will check back with them in a few...

Still no sign of the wayward plastic, hoping/praying it doesn't cause Kodie harm.  I know it can sit inside him for months and suddenly break loose and cause a problem, I had this situation with Arlie once as he got into individually wrapped chocolate, 11 in all, only saw a couple pass, the rest I never knew what happened to them.  The vet can treat for the chocolate, but not the plastic, very dangerous!

Gwen, I've often felt they weren't helping you as they should be and you're definitely not getting your $'s worth, but by the same token, for all the aforementioned reasons you don't feel you can make this work at home.  Let Dee decide what is/isn't fair to her, she truly cares for you and WANTS to help you, I think she'd even be willing to take care of Melody.  Honestly, I don't think dogs are a chore, they return several fold what we put into them.  I know Jazzy isn't mine but she truly loves me, just as Iris loves Kodie and he her.  Melody, I'm sure, would come to love Dee when she knew her.

As for the hospital bed, I'm wondering if an electric assist recliner could be swapped for a chair in your living room, I have known many who slept in them, I myself sleep in a loveseat recliner and if I couldn't get up/down from it without assistance, I'd have one swapped out for it.  I had access to a free one one time and kind of kick myself for not acting on it.

I'm glad you got some Bingo time!  Not much but any bright spot in the day that helps us through is valued!:wub:


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I Udon’t have a place for a recliner.  It’s hard getting up, but harder when I am.  No one really gets how bad this is. I  do walks but it feeds the pain. Staying in bed I get weaker.  Even walking at home won’t help me much without the proper therapy.  I’ve called my surgeon to fax the court and me his letter of appeal.  I’m very tense about doing this alone and in withdrawal.  I asked the PA to come and rework a schedule on the oxy as I  get so much early in the day and a miserable after 6pm.  Will she come by today?   Doubtful. I’d like to have the weekend to try something more spread out.  Cut the cravings. I can’t express how angry I am they did this. 

The billing woman did call today confirming they have been  paid.  My bank isn’t sending the payment to my Visa until mid July.  I’m unclear why.  Had to move funds around to lower my balance as I need to stay partially in July so I can figure out home  health care. Am desperately hoping i can be reimbursed some of what I spent over the past 3 months to cover more than a couple days a week.  Its been proven that does me no good.  Or at least a better therapist so I can do something progressive on my own.  I’m frigging amazed having sometHing so intense and so little done to promote recovery Thank you, Premera.  It’s no wonder I’m losing this battle.. just reading the procedures were beyond anything I could imagine doing to a body.  I felt the same when they constructed a new bladder for Steve in his chest.    

Another night I don’t want ro be  here and I don’t want to go home. Actually, I’d love to go home if it existed.




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I'm not fairing any better with UHC right now...so angry with them!  I basically have no doctor to go to this month and am on the hook for two bills I should not be!  One quite high.  What they did is illegal.  Who can afford a lawyer though!  Will keep fighting them...

No answers...

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I think medical/insurance procedures are changing everywhere and we patients are none the wiser. For the first time ever, last month when I went to the doctor for a refill visit, I had to give my insurance cards to the phlebotomist and sign forms for the bloodwork. He also told me that one of the tests wasn't covered by insurance. I refused the test, just as I refuse mammograms, colonoscopies, bone tests, flu shots, shingles shots and whatever else they come up with. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. All I care about is my BP, so I don't have a stroke. I have a feeling that doctors get a kickback or a gold star for every little procedure they schedule.

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Every morning I face this same reality that I can't change.  I don’t know who to reach out to for help.  Realistic help.  Premera called and now things have changed again and they need an appeal and not a pre authorization.  Things are so messed up I couldn’t begin to explain them.  Not beyond.I'm still on my own dime and supposedly things are on track again. Trust it?  Not one bit. There’s always next week to derail again.  My first day crying and cussing while talking to them.  The weekend is  a changed pain med schedule.  I still don’t know what this legal call is supposed to do.  My side is simple.  I want to get better and stop talking on the phone.  Talked to the insurance guy here and requested a witness so it wasn’t a he said/she said thing.  I think I got things explained and what my insurance wants, like a call back.

 It’s getting very bad here at night.  I’ve had my call light on for an hour-and a half.  Called the front desk and at least got my meds and some water.  Still need a couple things.  Calling in a complaint today.  

Best to everyone.z💕l


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22 hours ago, KarenK said:

I have a feeling that doctors get a kickback or a gold star for every little procedure they schedule.

Seems that way!  I finally got into their website and they have Joel down as my PCP now instead of Clem, but I hope they straighten it out with Clem so I can get him back, I JUST started with Clem and hate to start over with a THIRD provider inside two months!  But I need coverage with SOMEONE meanwhile!

Got the bank to email a signature card to my son so he can electronically sign it and return it to them.  Haven't been able to catch him to find out if he did so, will try to call him again this weekend, pretty hard to reach him on a weekday.  Awck!  So hard to reach my kids!  Still don't know if Melissa and I are on for tomorrow (her birthday), I texted her I need to know a day ahead of time to plan for Kodie as she's out of town.  Yesterday would have been a horrid day to go to Eugene with the protests, etc. going on, some can be violent, will avoid that part of town (downtown, courthouse, etc.). The news had me upset last night, BS up this morning in spite of eating super low carb yesterday, I had under 10 carbs altogether.

It gets old, doesn't it Gwen, fighting insurance/healthcare.  Not good for BP.

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I occasionally read through this thread as it seems the most active in this section. 
I can’t connect with many topics so don’t respond, but today I felt the want to post.

I’m astounded by the struggles many of you are facing around your health care 😳  I really can’t relate and feel for you all, especially you Gwen. It seems like it’s pay or die in your country, and cost and complexity are just baked into your health care.

I’m incredibly thankful my country is different that way, everyone is automatically covered under our health care system from birth. It’s not at the top like Denmark or Norway, but it’s still pretty good. Dr appointments, tests, hospital visits, surgeries and medical treatments are all free. No complex hospital or doctor bills, in fact we don’t ever see a bill. Our health care system is comprehensive, universal, simple and affordable. I like how it puts people, not profit first. And it’s not tied to a job or dependent on your income, rich or poor you’re still covered.

I wish nothing less than healing, recovery and good health to you all. 
Sending healing thoughts, especially to you Gwen, and to all who needs it 🤗 💗 

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I bailed on the new pain med cycle.  I don’t know why now I agreed to it. Guess I thought it would be an easier thing, which it would, but 3 high doses a day could really make me unsteady for walking.  That’s getting harder as it is.  I’m having to stop and take deep breathes more.  Makes staying mobile enough to not lose muscle very hard.  Nurse said I’m starting at a very low bar as it is.  What would normally take a healthy person hours or intense activity to hit.  I’m only hobbling about 400 feet.  I get so hot too.  When I lay in bed i get cold.  It’s always a reminder how much worse this is getting as time passes and feeling too late to fix.

I'm filed a grievance about it taking over an hour, 2 hours last nigh, to have my call light answered add that only happened after I called the front desk.  The newer agency nurses always get my meds wrong costing me sleep. 

Went to activities.for popcorn.  There were a few people outside, but nowhere comfortable to sit.  I must have allergies as I’ve been miserable.  My window is open too.  We’re looking at high heat days til midweek.  Haven’t seen any check ins from our friends back east with the storms and heat.  I hope they are OK.  

14 hours ago, Boho-Soul said:

Gwen. It seems like it’s pay or die in your country, and cost and complexity are just baked into your health care.

I’d say that’s all too often harshly accurate.  Not all insurances are the same as well.  One place might take you, another not.  Its all about the almighty dollar.  There must be statistics of how many have died that didn’t have to if they had more money.  The only rule is an ER cannot turn anyone away for any reason.  I heard Canada isn’t as quick to get appointments, but i know most everyone would trade that over this maze when all you want is care.  I’m no expert on federal spending, but I do often wonder how we can supply other countries billions of dollars when we have people sleeping and dying on our own streets.  How some seniors have tto choose beween meds and food.   Thank you for your well wishes.  💕

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Gwen, what reason does your surgeon give for the fact that you're getting worse? What about the continued pain? I thought the surgery was supposed to alleviate that. What was the point of all the suffering just to end up worse off. Someone has to have the answers.

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5 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I must have allergies as I’ve been miserable.

I've been feeling that this week, they said in the news pollen count was 1600 in Eugene, 200 is bad.  Dry mustard helps me breath, can also inhale mustard oil (expensive) through vapors in boiling water, I haven't had a problem with it irritating my nostrils, been using it a long time as needed.  And it's cheap.

@Boho-SoulWow, sounds like a dream, our country is anything but ideal.  We've been having demonstrations in Eugene over the reversal of abortion "rights"...a place I'm familiar with that counsels young people of options and helps them connect with helps has been under attack, heavy police presence, homeland security and outside forces drawn in, police under seige for five hours, it feels like our lives have turned into a nightmare from which we can't wake up.  The news holds nothing good anymore.   This "democracy" isn't working very well it seems.  It's sad, I'm related to Ben Franklin, I know his dreams and ideals for this country were a far cry from what it's become.  He would be inflamed, I'm sure.  He worked so hard to fight for this.

5 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

 I heard Canada isn’t as quick to get appointments

It takes a long time here to get appointments as well, not sure why everyone is so backed up!  I was shocked when I got in same day for my ears, but then to be told AFTER the fact my doctor isn't covered?!  That's BS.  Still no word on it.  Ins. phoned me with a "survey" last night, first of all I don't like them calling at night and second, they don't want to hear what I have to say about them right now.  How about calling me back with solutions/answers!  There's an idea!  I provided great help to patients/clients all these years and now when it's my turn to need it, where is it?  Non-existent.  I hate to say it but American has gone to the dogs.  The only "right" we have left is to complain so I'm exerting that!

5 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I do often wonder how we can supply other countries billions of dollars when we have people sleeping and dying on our own streets.  How some seniors have to choose between meds and food.

Yes. :(

5 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I’m only hobbling about 400 feet.

That's quite a ways, I didn't know you were walking that far!  
Good luck with your grievance.  I'm going to file one about my insurance when all is said and done...I wonder what they do with them, have a bonfire?  Roast hot dogs?

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14 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

 I heard Canada isn’t as quick to get appointments ...

I can book an appointment with my family Dr. within a week. Some specialist appointments can take up to 3 months though. The thing is, I don’t mind the wait because it’s ‘typically’ a short wait (although not always the case as it depends on the specialist) and I know it’s covered by health care. Depending on the severity of concern the process can be fast-tracked though. When I had a medical event 4 yrs ago I was booked with a neurologist within 2 days.

What is taking long is the wait times for what health services deem non-urgent surgeries like hip or knee replacements. That wait is getting longer, partially due to Covid, and the fact that a lot of medical staff are leaving the profession as they’ve had enough of the work related stress due to the pandemic.

But really, what corner of the world is really ideal when it comes to health care or a smooth way-of-life? One just has to play the cards they were dealt, do their best to create a well lived life and embrace the joy of each day as much as they can. That last sentence is what I’m working on myself.

Blessings to all 💗💗

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21 hours ago, KarenK said:

What was the point of all the suffering just to end up worse off. Someone has to have the answers.

An excellent question I’ve been seeking the answer to for months. At least a chance to try more considering how intense this surgery was.  It could be it didn’t work, but 5 weeks wasn’t enough to tell.  Now it’s so bad as I’ve gotten no help for months.  The surgeon did say I am hurting myself more without supervision.  it’s all messed up now so I blame my insurance first.  I’ve called so many times how they didn’t increase at least trying more therapy for a more intense surgery this 2nd time. Surgeon agrees..  Someone isn’t being up front about contact.  I doubt it was my doctor.  No one told me I could’ve have started an appeal immediately.  I’ve written the nightmare since.  And still it goes changing what they want and when they want it. 

I have a new agency nurse who has been an hour or more late with all my meds today.  I keep reminding her she can drop them off early as I am cleared to self administer.  I don’t need to be watched.   This time she. was only 40 minutes late, but i had to point out she gave me too much of the pain meds. I’m hoping my night nurse is someone I know.  

Ijust had a conversation with a resident I like and found out she’s here on Medicare and Medicaid as she had Covid and has been stuck here til they can find a place for her to live.  While I pay thousands, her allotments pay less than a thousand a month.  She gets the rest.  She even said she didn’t belong here after she got past the covid care.  Yes, I have more money, but I actually need care she doesn’t.  She’s battling the usual stuff like arthritis.  What’s wrong with this picture?  It’s no picnic for her sharing a room and an uncertain future.  She can’t stay with any of her sisters as they have tri level homes. I understand more now why she has her dark days.  Nothing worse than feeling abandoned in the system.  Being forgotten hurts in so many ways.

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16 hours ago, Boho-Soul said:

What is taking long is the wait times for what health services deem non-urgent surgeries like hip or knee replacements.

What they consider urgent and pain dictates to US as urgent are two different things!  Sounds like your wait times are about the same as ours, ours may be a little longer here, it varies in some places but I'm in the country, no doctors, but PAs.

7 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

The surgeon did say I am hurting myself more without supervision.

I thought that was the whole point of being there, to have them help you through it, "therapy!"  Ha.


7 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Nothing worse than feeling abandoned in the system.  Being forgotten hurts in so many ways.

:( Even forgotten in your own home, but I'd imagine it's like sad on steroids worse there.

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12 hours ago, kayc said:

I thought that was the whole point of being there, to have them help you through it, "therapy!"  Ha.

That would make sense, wouldn’t it?  My vitals this morning were elevated BP and lower oxygen.  I did my walk and it was hard as usual.  It’s already heading into the 90’s.  Was trying to fit in a shower before my court call tomorrow which is nuts.  Doing the shower today and pressing on nursing how important it is I get my meds for this call on time.  I’m pretty sure I had my docs fax them their disagreement to being released..  I don’t have much to say beyond I’m worse off over the last 3 months and can’t function close to what I was.  I dug out the letters backing up my insurance.  They don’t mention i had bed sores at the time.  That’s very important.

The director of nursing and an administrator came by about my complaints of how long it takes to get response often.  Their talking about giving me my meds to dispense myself. Also have longer oxygen tubing so i I can use the restroom instead of the bedside one. Tried, hurts too much. Grab bar doesn’t help.  Makes getting up very difficult. It’s a large room.  They talked about moving to a smaller one and months ago.  I did it once.   I’m just sick of doing stuff.  It’s a big deal to do and my patience is long gone. I thought I was keeping myself in a tough situation, but I’m not.  I’m living with the fact insurance cut me off against doctors expertise.  If they prevail, I don’t think know what I’m supposed to do.  

I know this is all very repetitive.  I’m sorry about that.  I sat again outside around 9pm and felt the cool air moving in.  Watched the birds and saw all the watering Helen did.  Wanted to stay but my back said no.  I’d like to brea down and cry.  I don’t know why I can’t.  Has anyone else have that happen?  I coud use the cleansing feeling.  But I can’t by myself.  I have broken down at the oddest time but its little more than a few tears and sniffling.  I want scream.  Definitely no place for that not driving now.  That was a great place for a release.  That i could do.

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49 minutes ago, Gwenivere said:

already heading into the 90’s.  Was trying to fit in a shower before my court call tomorrow which is nuts.


50 minutes ago, Gwenivere said:

want scream.  Definitely no place for that not driving now.  That was a great place for a release.  That i could

Gwen, it seems we're in the same boat. Sweltering heatwave over here at the moment, temperatures reached 40 Celsius yesterday (100 fahrenheit), more of it in the coming days, a bit too early, this usually happens late July/August, but in the past, we have had some Summers with three months of these temperatures. I hope you have good air conditioning, with all your discomfort and pain, at least they should be able to let you  live in cool surroundings.

Just like you Gwen, I manage to scream and cry out, letting myself go, only while I'm driving. I'm alone then and nobody can hear or see me. 

Keep strong, wishing you all the comfort you deserve. We are all with you. 

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Gwen, do you have an attorney to help you with any of this stuff? You can bet the insurance company does! Hoping for positive results for you on the court call.

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6 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I’d like to brea down and cry.  I don’t know why I can’t.  Has anyone else have that happen?  I coud use the cleansing feeling.

Oh yes, it is EXTREMELY RARE that I cry, I figured I'd just cried myself out years ago.  But I, too, would welcome the release sometimes.  Maybe a part of me feels that if I cried I'd break, that I have to be tough and keep going.  I've been in survival mode so long I don't know anything else anymore.  I'm sure that's how you feel to the umpth degree.  :(

6 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I’m living with the fact insurance cut me off against doctors expertise

There has to be somewhere to report insurance to, if not state representative, I don't know where!
My ins. still hasn't straightened out the situation with cutting off my doctor!  It's turned into a huge problem for our one and only local clinic!  I had to switch PCPs because I NEED to have someone that can call in Rxs for me or referrals.  This is the time of year I catch up on everything after the long winter of not being able to get to the valley!  I told them I want to switch back if/when they ever straighten this mess out.  I don't understand why it takes so long.  Filing a grievance with the ins. as soon as this is over!  Anyone can make a mistake, but that said, HOW they handled this infuriates me, leaving me no coverage for June, they sure as hell don't refund my $ though!  If they did, it'd be a break in Medicare which would result in huge penalties for LIFE!  They have us no matter which way we turn.

And no matter what I'm going through, yours is way more huge and I know that.  We live in a country with a horrible system.  It's not that I don't love the US, but I sure do realize it's need for improvement on some issues.  This is one of them.

This morning I got up before 3 am to tend my diabetic group, FB won't display it to me or George (he's the admin, I'm the mod.)  Kind of hard to do our jobs when they won't let us.  It took me a while to troubleshoot (to no avail) and then report the issue.  Seems this is life nowadays.

No wonder I like sitting out on the deck and listening to the birds!  A bear visited next door Sun. am.  And Kodie wonders why I won't let him out until it's light out!

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I wondered if I cried myself out too.  The fact it’s tugging on me so often tells me I haven’t.  Ive even got new triggers with the back fiasco.  I just wonder if it will keep changing and choking me.  

15 hours ago, KarenK said:

Gwen, do you have an attorney to help you with any of this stuff? You can bet the insurance company does! Hoping for positive results for you on the court call.

Thank you, Karen.  No I don’t have an attorney.  All I have are the the 2nd party letters to review their decision and one of my doctors letters to reconsider as I can’t transition to home and function.. The call was not very hard.  The judge wanted to verify he had as much info as-he could.  I told him being a lay person, I place my faith in my doctors.  They want me here.  The judge had not received any info on the bedsore’s, a wheelchair for showers and PT was out patient meaning travel 

To top this off, I have a charge on my checking  for a casino for $100.  Had to call the bank about that.  It’s an electronic check.  That got dicey as they wanted to open a new account which messes with all my autopay billers.  I don’t even.know how many there are.  It took a lot of time to get them to dispute it and not open a new account.  I may be taking a risk, but I cannot dealt with calling all my autopsy’s right now.  Like i needed this?

So now I wait on the judge and (hopefully) a mistake at the bank.  Dee reminded mme of a missing check in the mail.  You cant do much buying online with checks, need a credit card  Again it goes thru my head…..what next?  This is wild!  I keep being told how good  I’m doing walking.  I just know how much more it hurts if I don’t.  It’s ungodly painful.  I don’t know what I can do if this goes against me.  I’d really like to focus on getting better.  Actually getting help and not having to be fighting battles every time I turn around.  I’m hoping I feel OK today as I want to play bingo.  A much needed break.  .

💕 to all.

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Well gee Gwen, did you have a good time on your secret run to the casino?  lol

Seriously, yours is the stuff of nightmares!

Hope you have fun at bingo.

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6 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

To top this off, I have a charge on my checking  for a casino for $100.  Had to call the bank about that.  It’s an electronic check.  That got dicey as they wanted to open a new account which messes with all my autopay billers.  I don’t even.know how many there are.  It took a lot of time to get them to dispute it and not open a new account.  I may be taking a risk, but I cannot dealt with calling all my autopsy’s right now.  Like i needed this?

This is what I've been going through!  Sunday my online banking showed a hit for a charge on my M/C from a sporting good store in CA I've never heard of!  The gal I called froze my card and put a block on it, it'll take two weeks to get a new one.  Meanwhile all my automatic bill payments with it coming!  I spent hours on this!  Had to miss church, was on the phone with them 2 3/4 hours, (after 1/2 hour of getting verified through their ridiculous AI they hung up and I had to start over, got someone horrible, uncaring, nasty).  Where are their surveys when you want one!  Had to go on line to each of my bill pays and switch to a back up card I don't like because I don't get rewards and the due date doesn't fit with my budget, will have to do all of this all over again when my new card comes, entering everything in on my budget.  I hope I didn't forget someone/something!

I don't envy you any!  Someone printed checks with our church' checking and they presented to the bank, they had to close the account and open a new one, what a hassle it caused for my successor!  I'm glad I'm not the Treasurer any more!  It was during snow season, I'd have had a hard time going there every day, this was a bad extended winter!

Gwen, at least you had more fun at the casino than I did at the sporting goods store! :D

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6 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

The fact it’s tugging on me so often tells me I haven’t.

Not necessarily, you can still have a heavy heart and feel the grief, just without the release of tears. :(

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*sigh*. I don’t ever recall having to fill out paperwork for a disputed charge at my bank. Since i it’s my checking, i i having  to fill out paperwork.  My credit card is a credit til it’s solved.  It takes so long to get verified for identity.  So more work.

 Nursing came by to see if calls for assistance were better. Guess they really got on them as they have been better.  They saw i had the bedside commode moved back and wanted to move it away again.  I said leave it.   They are so focused on this.  It gets so easily forgotten I’m the expert of how My pain affects ME.  There is no formula that fits this.  Pus, at 6-7am, i don’t want to be trekking across a. room groggy.  I don’t want to wait on help, just go back to sleep.  I don’t consider it a part of therapy.  

Won one game at bingo.  Sat with a woman to chat for an hour.  Strength therapy came so doing another walk and ready for a boring night.  Have to find something to watch tonight. It’s crazy how movies ard TV shows are spread out over so many pay services.  I can’t even get my other Netflix movies on the iiPad app.  Otherwise ii'd be golden.  You get desperate with limited cable here.  Gets to me paying  to wait on the insurance decision.  Can’t get much done while waiting.  No help at al. I did go finish the puzzle.  Last of a 1000 piece one!  

Thanks for letting me babble.  💕. Hugs to you all.

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