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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Kay, hope fires are contained soon and your home is safe. Poor little Kodie. Hope he is okay. How is your eye doing?

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After 2+ years of struggling with my eye problem, I finally have an answer. I saw a neurologist today who knew immediately what it is as she has a similar problem. Old age and a possible mini stroke in the eye blood vessel during a very high blood pressure incident in Nov. '21 damaged the right eye muscle making it impossible to track with the left eye. Not correctable with exercises or surgery at my age, but glasses with prisms can be used to make it liveable. So, no MRI necessary. Looks like I'm headed for the opthamologist again which is where I started. The "Golden Age" strikes again!

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I know the feeling, Karen.  Two of my friends have told me about something new being free trials for essential tremor.  I knew it, but I sent in one application.  At my age, they cannot help me.  I knew this even before I applied.  I wish they could have offered it to me when I was in the 6th grade.  My dad would have been so happy to have the help for his and my aunt also.  It is what it is.  I feel for you.  I'm trying the propranolol again and I can write out a grocery list that I can read.  But the side effects still happen.  I just try to tolerate them until maybe I get used to them.  Good luck with the glasses.  

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Makes no sense to me, Marg. Although your tremor started at a young age, it seems to me that tremors would affect more elderly people than young ones. Why not test the appropriate age group?

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I learned so much in medical transcription.  I was young then, but a lot of the patients were old.  Sometimes lifesaving procedures would bring death faster than letting things go.  I knew I was too old when I applied, but my two friends thought it worth a try.  So, I tried.  My dad passed at 65 and his tremor was pretty advanced, but I can still read all his notes he wrote in his Bible (which was all I asked for).  If he could have gotten help, he would have been first in line.  It really is similar to parkinsonism, and sometimes advances that far.  Right now, it is just mainly my chin and hands.  The tail bone is definitely connected to the chin bone. 

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Karen, I'm glad you finally have an answer.

We're living in hell here...evacuated Wed. night when it elevated to level 2, they don't come back out for 3 and you get a moment's notice to go IF you get the alert, which I did not.  Either get 5 or none.Got to my daughter's close to midnight, fire so close you could touch it!  Her kittens were scared of Kodie even though he did nothing amiss.  They would not come out of hiding.  Came home last night after level downgraded to a 1.  

NOW they're predicting lightening tonight and tomorrow and 40 mph winds.  Very scary.

And I lost my wedding band. Can it get any worse?  Don't answer.

Getting my roof cleaned off tonight, just had it done but with the winds needs it again, esp. with fire threatening.

Marg, I did that too, only a few years though.

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Glad to hear from you, Kay. I was worried you may have evacuated. Don't know exactly where you are in relation to Oakridge proper, just know there are fires all around. Hope it stays safe now.

So sorry about your ring. I know how much it means to you. Maybe it will turn up.

Stay in touch and stay safe!

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Just thinking that we've not heard from Widow or Gin in a very long time. Hope they are doing okay.

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I have wondered the same, Karen, hoping they update soon.

He blew off the roofs and I feel better, we had ash dropping on them yesterday and so much crap from the storm it scared me if a cinder landed and started a fire.  I had it done not that long ago but you couldn't tell it.

Came home from evacuation to the back of my carport replaced!  He worked on it during level 2 evac!  Looks really nice, I had him come get his leftover materials, he charged me an extra $600, wonder how much of the leftovers that was.  I have no need of them laying around.

Chalk fire (north of us) grew from 10 acres to 600 in 24 hours, today will be telling with heat, high winds, and lightening in the predictions. Air quality was bad yesterday but we've had a lot worse.  So glad High Prairie fire is out!  That was literally our back yards...

We are in the mountains above Oakridge, Karen.  

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still in Southern BC(on Washington Border), 18 straight days of 95 degrees plus....today will be 90F, people are celebrating...Kay do you have a sprinkler on the roof ? just in case..

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No, but if it came to that, everything would be gone.  

I woke up with a huge knot on my forehead just inside the hairline, so Iwent to the doctor yesterday.  He told me to ice it and it's not infected, that was my concern.  It'd take quite a wallop to give me this knot!  It is a goose egg the size of a silver dollar.  Funny, when Kodie got stung by a yellowjacket on the eye, the first thing I did was ice it, but when I did this I don't even remember it!

Chalk fire (4 miles away) still 0% contained, 2700 acres, Oregon is inundated with fires everywhere! Eastern OR is worse than here even!  Funny, I don't recall them having much to burn like us here in the forest have.  Seems there's a lot of desert.

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2916 ACRES NOW...but also getting smoke from Coffeepot and some others...

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Today marks 10 years since I lost my beautiful daughter. I can still see her waving to me from her log cabin porch that she loved.

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Karen, we've been here that long and more...I remember it, the loss never quits hurting does it? We just learn to carry it.

Get through this.jpg

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Karen, I cannot even imagine that loss and hope I am gone first.  I know you felt the same.  No words help.  My heart is with you every day, and all my friends who have lost children.  I learned the difference between sympathy and empathy a few years ago.  No words have been invented to help some losses.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kay and Marg, where are you?

I ordered my prism glasses Monday. The doctor concurred with the neurologist about a stroke which damaged the 6th cranial nerve that controls the eye muscle. Many people heal from this, but I didn't. Prism glasses are difficult to get right and even when correct, don't work all the time. He said some days would be better than others. They only work when looking straight ahead, no turning your head. Makes me wonder if they are worth it, but time will tell. An eye patch would have been cheaper.  lol  It is what it is.

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Sometimes I lose some site that I always use.  How do I do that?  Well, it seems very easy for me to do weird things to a computer.  I can't tell you how I do it, it just happens.  I lost this site, and it took someone writing for me to find it again.  

Karen, they gave me a piece of paper with squares and a black dot in the center and told me to look at it every day.  It is sitting on the table by the computer, and I see it every day, but I do not think that is what they mean.  Sometimes one eye seems to drift.  The doctors I picked are the premier doc's for ophthalmology in Shreveport.  They are a group of brothers with a father leading them.  They have built their own hospital, and they excessively charge.  I've had the cataract surgery from them, the follow-ups were excellent until the last one and now they think I need laser surgery and that I have macular degeneration. Next checkup in December.     

I picked out our monument for the cemetery.  It has a sketching of a man and woman fishing in a river on back, which we had done since the first week of marriage.  My uncle and aunt passed away in the past couple of months (ages 90 and 91), had been married over 70 years.  Loved him very much, he missed her so much and followed her quickly with a heart attack.  I do believe you can die of a broken heart.  They were both very lucid until the last. Their headstone will be like my mom and dad's, just rising above the ground. My grandparents have one similar to ours, but I'm going to put a picture on ours that provides some levity.  The company had put Scott and Kelli's name inside two fish arising out of the river.  And when I "go" they will put Billy's ashes with mine.  Morbid?  Maybe.  Billy had said that one of us had to stay.  Sure has been a loppalosa of a trip.  Nine years in October. 

I wish you the best with your glasses Karen.  I still read very regularly.  The only way I can travel now.  I would hate to lose my sight, that is where imagination begins, but they have audio books, like my son uses, so maybe if the macular degeneration gets too worrisome, I will start ordering the audio and teach other parts of my brain to "imagine."  My real-life traveling is in the past, and somehow going w/o Billy is no fun anymore.  

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I meant to post this yesterday but it didn't...
Two fires started two miles from me, Butte 1 & Butte 2, the power went out, substations, no A/C or air filtrations, so I evacuated.  I was packing in the dark, somehow I left Kodie's dogfood at home, my hard drive, razor, shampoo.  Will have to buy more dogfood at Costco tomorrow.  Not exactly the day I had planned!  Air 457 today.


I discovered the fires are further than I thought, in the Cedar Creek burn from last year, shortest evacuation ever, got home and it took me two hours to unpack, then I had to shower, start laundry, feed Jewels, Kodie was so disappointed to come home.  I broke his treat jar so found another but too tired to cut his treats in half so for now, he gets the whole thing!  I think that cheered him up a bit!

I hope I don't have to evacuate again any time soon.
Karen, I totally understand, eyes can be really problematic. :(  Wishing you the best with them, I am having a really hard time with my hands lately, they just don't work right.  My brains tells them to do something but they don't cooperate.  I spend more time correcting my typing...

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Saw something this morning that might provide some personality to those of us that live in the jungles of Louisiana and the Gulf States.  Just some levity.  


1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.

2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.

3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one's seen before.

4. If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.

5. Onced and Twiced are words.

6. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy!

7. Jawl-P? means: Did you all go to the bathroom?

8. People actually grow, eat, and like okra.

9. Fixinto is one word. It means I'm going to do something.

10. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there's supper.

11. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar. It is referred to as the Wine of the South.

12. Backwards and forwards means I know everything about you.

13. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, 'Did you eat?'

14. You don't have to wear a watch, because it doesn't matter what time it is, you work until you're done or it's too dark to see.

15. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH em.

16. Y'all is singular. All Y'all is plural.

17. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal.

18. You carry jumper cables in your car for your OWN car.

19. You only own five spices: salt, pepper, Cajun seasoning, Tabasco, and ketchup.

20. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, motorsports, and gossip.

21. Everyone you meet is a Honey, Sugar, Miss (first name), or Mr (first name)

22. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.

23. You know what a hissy fit is..

24. Fried catfish is the other white meat.

25. We don't need no dang Driver's Ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive!!!

26. You understand these jokes and forward them to your Southern friends and those who just wish they were from the South.

AND one more:

27. Why did the chicken cross the road? To show that stupid possum that it CAN be done!

I come from a small town and I learned a "laig" is the same thing as "leg."  An "Aig" is the same thing as an "egg."  My granddaddy did not grow sugar cane for cane "syr-up," he grew it for cane surp.  But my better educated husband and kids did laugh at me once when I saw a bunch of "aints" crawling on a log.  I stand by that one.  I have to set my mouth a certain way to say "ants."  

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This is priceless, Marg! I love it.

I've been watching episodes of a show called "Buying The Bayou". Beautiful country, but definitely hazardous with gators, snakes and spiders as neighbors. I guess we each learn how to live in our environment. Sure makes me think of you and Billy when I see the couples fishing on the rivers and bayous. I've only fished Az. mountain lakes for trout the size of guppies compared to what you guys catch back there. Would appreciate a little bit of your rain though.  lol

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Usually in August we would appreciate some of our rain also.  Billy took his brother-in-law out night fishing once (he was from Albuquerque) and he was so terrified he would never go again.  We have lots of "monster" sounds on the bayou.  One of the highlights of my life, and you have to be a fisherperson to appreciate this, was going fishing on the 5th night after a full moon.  It was on the huge lake that borders Louisiana and Texas, Toledo Bend, and the fish were so big (for me) that I'd anchor the fishing rod in my belly.  The next day it looked like someone had beat me up.  We were in the "catch and release" phase, and I guess some people would not cotton to this being fun, but it is one memory I'll always have.  That morning, as daylight was coming on the Texas side we saw a coyote/fox or some animal chase a rabbit into the lake.  That rabbit sure could swim.  

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Spent last day and a half at Hospital as Wifes granddaughter on some kind of Schitzo drug relapse and is hearing voices and seeining people that aren't there....Once she was finally admitted things calmed down...Six hours later she walked out the front door which is interpreted as refusing service.....Long story short, Cops picked her up this morning and took her to different Hospital, she is staying overnight and refuses to let the Hospital release information....What a Circle this Drug jungle is....

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I'm so sorry Kevin, my beautiful grandson in his 30's came out of rehab totally in charge of what he wanted.  He apologized and said he did not want to live the sober lifestyle.  Nothing we can do.  The many drugs have put him into schizophrenia.  We have no idea where he is.  He has talents as an artist.  He was in school where we lived and won a metal for his art.  Just in six months.  Sometimes we cannot do anything but pray.  I'm so sorry families go through this.  We gave up our RVing to get Scott free from drugs.  He did it himself.  He always wanted to please his dad. We just moved his location and provided a soft place to fall, and his dad telling him if he left the house he couldn't come back.  I have a hard time with tough love. It hurts me worse than the individual it is meant to help.  

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Oh Kevin, I'm so sorry to hear this!  What a mess.  :(

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