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We followed up and managed to find a Womans shelter only( I got kicked out for carrying suitcases in) and now applying at different rehab places......It is funded through Mental disability which she qualified for a decade ago....This is third night and it appears to be OK....

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They kicked you out?  That seems overreactive.  Oh Kevin!

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I'm sorry, I know this is hard on you. :(

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Sept 4 is now the magic day, accepted to treatment but she must complete 5 day detox......Father and a Girl Friend now escorting her around.....Going forward , I talked to Treatment center today ....Its lined up she has to do her part....Her biggest concern is not smoking...

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Tell her to chew gum!

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10 days and counting until Sept 4th...This is our first day with no surprise drama ....Plus there are more Resources and people involved, but the Key is the individual must want to rehab, otherwise no success.....we do Pray...

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Kevin, I don't know if this is still offered or available in a rehab center, but during previous hospitalizations I was given patches(nicotine probably) to kill the smoking urge. They worked for me in the hospital.

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That's right, we got nicotine patches for my sister but she quit taking them.  They do help though.

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Fun is beginning tomorrow, 5 day detox which also includes no smoking.....starting to kick up a fuz. over this....Suspect Grandkid is lacking motivation...

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He's adorable, I love that age!  My grandson is seven, granddaughter is nine, but they're homeschooled. 

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I can never forget Atlas.  He was a strong looking beautiful baby.  Now he is a strong looking handsome young fellow.  I hope he has a wonderful future.  

As to the granddaughter lacking motivation.  Our grandson Brody came out of a very successful rehab.  He finished it with his own motivation.  He told us he did not like the sober life, and he wanted to go back to his dope engrossed life.  No fussing, he was cheerful, but it was just "I'm sorry, but........"  And that is the way it has been.  He lives along the dark streets of Vacaville and Fairfield, California.  Actually, I do not think anyone in the family knows where he is.  We worry.  He is now in his mid 30's, and I hope he has found one of those families that helps take care of him.  I cannot tell you how sweet, honest, handsome, and even intelligent he once was.  His drugs have driven him to schizophrenia now.  He had a mother and a father that would have helped him in any way and tried often.  He chose this life on his own.  His dad was just the opposite.  He enjoyed the dope wired life.  Then he got shot, near fatal. He coded in surgery twice.  He wears a brace and special shoe as the shotgun blast hit his femoral artery.  They wanted to remove his leg, but he fought it.  He had a nerve transposition graft that didn't help.  Nerve damage was extensive.  He let us remove him from the people he "lived" with.  He got himself sober to honor his dad.  He cared.  My grandson does not care and that is what the difference was.  We cannot do anything.  I don't know what the difference in these grown children and their attitudes, but over many years (since Brody was in his early teens to now mid-30's), we had no choice but to let go.  Still, if he reached out, we would all try to help him. He won't. As sad as it sounds, sometimes it actually is up to the drugged person.  

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Good news is Granddaughter made it to admission at rehab center, 125 miles away(not without drama). she is there for 22 days.......Father said not coming back to my house, Mother said no way again.....We said no Chance....If she graduates successfully we will come up with a shelter for her to prove herself.....

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I may have put this before.  I've got friends who had to do, what I call "practice tough love."  This seems to be what many say is the thing to do.  For myself, I've never practiced tough love, but one time and it hurt me so bad I knew I could not do it anymore, even for the saving grace of the grown "child".  My granddaughter is living with her boyfriend, his family close.  She is angry with me because I let my daughter, who had no place to go, live with me.  She had been living with me too.  At her own preference she is "tough loving" me, has not spoken in at least three months.  We had taken care of her since she was born.  Her gripe with me was I would not sign something to keep my daughter away.  She, my granddaughter, was living with me with 100% care, would not go to school, not get a job (no high school diploma), and was turning 25-years-old.  She knew how to take, did not know how to give.  I asked nothing from her.  She left.  I hurt for a long time, still do, but she was adopted at birth.  I never was mean to her, I still pay for her cell phone, and I will keep on.  Tough love works, I am told, but I cannot do it.  

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I'm so sorry, Marg, I know it must hurt you tremendously.  Someone else's daughter is treating her badly.  Again, always had it easy, now being rough on her mom.  Our kids are our kids no matter what, and I know you practically raised her on your own, and love her and your heart must bleed. :(


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good posts on tough love, easy to say and I've enabled a number of Children and grand children.......I do practice the word NO very often now........But they all know I'm a bit of a softy, like we all are...

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I got my new glasses yesterday and they do correct the double vision. However, they also distort the size of items and proximity of things, like the floor so I still have no depth perception. I am to try them for 3 weeks to see if my eyes adjust to this, so hanging in there. Still waiting for my dentures which are being completely remade to a smaller size. Such is life....

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I am so sorry!  T&L storms all day today so unsure when to take Kodie out to pee...

Refrigerator has been leaking water during defrost so huge mop up afterwards.  8 days ago, then two days ago, then yesterday.  Expiration went off during evacuations apparently, Sears didn't call me.  Are these things under a timer to go out the next month?  Makes you wonder. It'll cost me $155 fee because I'm out of town for someone to come out, Sears only does their's under warranty so someone I don't know. Most do not come here.  Tube still connected so not sure whats happening or why.  Such is the fun of country life.  Took me hours to find someone who would.

I wonder why they distorted your vision/lenses!

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Broke down and called in Gas Fireplace rep to fix my intermittent fireplace.....I attempted repair twice on my own without success.....$200 later, I am ready for Winter.....Replaced Fridge last year........

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Mine is the only one that fits in the spot between cupboards & counters...that are a must have. They make refrigerators taller now.  They no longer sell mine (Sears Kenmore), Sears are pretty much out of business.

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Last night & this morning were crazy! Took A/C unit out, window fell out and damaged frame, bent it back as best as I could hammer it and got it back in and cleaned it, took me over an hour to take it out. 

When I got home from church all my files (thousands of them & back ups) were messed up...took me until this morning to realize it was Office 365, not the files...spent two hours fixing it, uninstalled (with fear and trepidation) it and reinstalled it...no easy task since I can't access outlook and Microsoft won't email me at gmail, but I finally got it done!  Files are perfect now!

Refrigerator leaking inside again this morning, got it mopped up inside. Repairman coming at 10...here's hoping!

Dish network wouldn't work last night.  I swear I'm jinxed!

Hope you all are having a good week!

Oh and The Chalk Fire is finally under containment, took two months tomorrow.

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