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Hi Laura,

Just checking in to see how you are doing.   How are you?  I'm so glad that this pandemic is somewhat behind us.  My small family in IL are doing ok.  My youngest granddaughter is five and she has worn a mask for the two years of her schooling.  Today was the first day her class did not have to wear a mask.  She is in a Montessori school and the virus has been very light in her school.  My Nicky (7th grader) likes school.  He has been in Lacrosse for two years and likes it.  He is all about athletics now.  My oldest grand is doing well in high school.  She wants to be a director.  She likes to act and she is a good singer.  

Let me know how you are doing when you are able.   I'm still here in AZ and loving it.  

Anne  🥰 💜 💕

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/7/2022 at 6:36 PM, enna said:

Let me know how you are doing when you are able.

Hi Anne - I am still slogging along and still dealing with lying doctors. I stopped two of the chemo drugs in the beginning of February for a number of reasons. Partially it was due to the developing neuropathy from Carboplatin, and also it was because it was dawning on me that they had never given me any numbers and I had been given so much wrong information, due to errors, incompetence, and deliberate deception. The first oncologist was awful, and was replaced by a woman who tried to get me to go back on the Carboplatin by telling me Carboplatin doesn't cause neuropathy. I said ok, but later refused the drug because I went home and looked it up, discovering immediately that her statement was untrue. An error by a mature oncologist about one of the side effects of one of the most commonly used drugs for breast cancer...or a deliberate deception? (I think that's called lying.)

Turns out it was the latter, and just today the NP at the practice told me that the denial of the Carboplatin-neuropathy connection - the reason for the lie - was that this side effect only affected 4-5% of people who take Carboplatin. My knee-jerk response was to point out that I AM one of the 4-5%, so for me that is actually 100% likely to increase, and significantly. The NP responded with a pedantic little lecture about how they do everything possible to get patients to comply with what the medical staff believes is best for them.

I can't help but think that lying to patients about proposed treatment totally removes the "informed" part of Informed Consent.

Anyway, I am still terrified. But getting along. I am struggling to get something of my art life back and am thinking about going to a jam next weekend. Also, I have started drawing/painting again and my subject is birds, a novel one for me. I am also painting rocks, something that has fascinated me since I was a child. I am mystified by the process/materials since I am a watercolorist. Nevertheless, to my astonishment, my older sister is helping me with the process/material part. As an MFA artist who teaches art, of course she could easily provide this info, but the fact that she jumped in and offered to help me was a surprise. This is the sister who told me she was divorcing me after our dad's death because I wouldn't give her my dad's banjo, which he gave me 9 years before he died.

My other sister has also been in communication and seems to also be actively engaged in a supportive sisterly relationship with me. There have been so many years of icky behavior from both of them, I'm a little doubtful about whether to trust what I see as a real change or if they are being nice while I have cancer...


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My friend went through all of the chemotherapy, it literally destroys you!  She suffered rash/burns, neuropathy, hair loss, you name it.  They wanted to do surgery and radiation, she contacted a specialist from out of state, who told her to do Keto (I've been doing Keto 2 1/3 years now and am amazed at all it has reversed/healed in me!), it's not a fad diet, it's been around for a century and I'd trust it with my life!  Oh yeah, I am!  I'm on it for life, amazed at the results.  I didn't do this for weight loss, that's just an aside, I did it to control my diabetes, it healed my kidney, liver, Fuch's Dystrophy of the corneas (night blindness), neuropathy (still have some loss of feeling but pain is gone), and it's slowly but surely doing it's work on a mysterious condition I've had for a long time that the doctors won't even look into.  Got off diabetic Rxs and am controlling my Diabetes, cut my BS numbers in half!  Lost 75 lbs and kept it off.  More energy than I've ever had...

I couldn't agree more about our "medical system."  (Follow the $ trail.) Watch First Do No Harm (Youtube, Netflix, etc.) Meryl Streep, excellent example (true story).

Wishing you the best, I'm glad you're nurturing your creative bent!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/27/2022 at 5:03 AM, kayc said:

More energy than I've ever had...

Kay, that is really awesome! I am so glad to hear that your health has improved so much. I really fear these doctors; what they want me to do is so extreme, and I fear that if I totally go along with it I will destroy my own health. There is a lot of research about minimizing treatments, alternative/complementary strategies, and so on. But my doctors have never heard of any of that. From what I can tell, my risk of recurrence is low, but they haven't ever really told me anything about my prognosis. I think they know my risk is low, but are using vague but alarming comments to get me to go along with their plan. They are treating me as aggressively as if I had metastatic disease, but it's scary. It seems like I could be throwing my life away if I make the wrong choices, but no one will be straight with me. 

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My friend consulted with an oncologist specialist from out of state and she is the one who told her to go keto.  (I'd suggested it a year ago)  Her husband has All and is diabetic, he's doing it with her.  I'm excited to see the results that will come from this, just as I've had mine.  It repairs brain cells in dementia!  If I had cancer I'd probably opt for surgery & Keto, but skip the chemo & radiation because we all know what that does and I've seen what it does to one's body.  It's a personal decision no one can make for you.  But listen to your intuition, don't be SCARED into it by doctors!  Some of them are pretty bullheaded and headstrong!  Hey, I can be too, it's my body, my life!

I posted this in my diabetic group:

Kay Oxford


Group expert

My husband and I attended Diabetic classes as he was diabetic. I didn't allow sugar in the house, we ate whole grains, fruits/veg as doctors said, but nothing changed. He died nearly 17 years ago, heart attack with diabetic complications. Why, when we were doing what they said! A few years later I too was diagnosed, did what I was told, took my Metformin, meanwhile my numbers kept climbing, so they raised the dosage, and eventually added Glimepiride to the mix (I couldn't handle Glipizide as it kept dropping my numbers, too erratic). When my dog was diagnosed with cancer, 6/6/2019 my FBS went up to 185-205 and stayed there. He passed 8/16/19 and the numbers never came down. Meanwhile my son and George kept talking to me about Keto, my son showed me the scientific data on it (he has three engineering degrees, you know engineers, always about the facts!) Not pushing, just giving me info...

Finally I realized my numbers were not coming down and it was time to do something about it. New Year’s Day 2020 I began Keto. I cleaned out my cupboards of the carbs, it echoed when I was done! I began buying the "weird things" I couldn't spell or pronounce (Erythritol, Xanthan Gum, etc.) and began researching diabetes myself. I'd already joined this group and found it very helpful. I learned, little by little, checking out things I heard and read.

Keto has been amazing! I planned this not to just "lose weight", 75 lbs., but to right my diabetes! I had not expected all of the fringe benefits I began to glean from it! I was shocked when my triglycerides went from 276 to 93 inside 4 1/2 months! My cholesterol improved, as did everything! My WBC and calcium had been high for years, no explanation from the doctor, now they were normal! I later read it was related to the diabetes. I'd had IBS, now gone! My neuropathy used to hurt so bad, I was surprised when it quit hurting! I'd been diagnosed with Fuch's Dystrophy of the Corneas years earlier (night blindness) and discovered when I had an emergency that I could now see to drive at night! I'm still amazed when I drive at night, each time it feels like a miracle to me! I wasn't prepared for the incredible energy I now have and how well I feel! When I got a nasty dog bite, I mean really bad, the doctor said it'd be hard to heal, it healed fine! Again and again I've seen this. My immune system is optimal. When you've had Diabetes out of control for 11 years, you expect it'll take time for the liver and pancreas and kidneys to heal but they have! (I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver years ago), everything is fine now! I feel indebted to the scientist that first discovered this operative we now call Keto, I'm on this for life and can't imagine going back to my old ways! It's been over two years now and I feel like a walking miracle! I'm so grateful to George and this site for walking me through this!


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1 hour ago, kayc said:

I posted this in my diabetic group:

Thanks, Kay - what an amazing story!

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Got my blood test back, platelets too high, that's most concerning, they didn't test me last year between switching doctors and Covidj, so all I have to go by is two years ago before my mysterious throat condition, no one knows what's causing it but it's greatly improved, no more white spots but tongue glands still inflamed, although also improved, been nearly 1 1/2 years with it, I'm pretty sure that's behind it.  

Ahh but my IR (triglycerides/HDL) is 1.1!  (supposed to be under 1.5)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/13/2022 at 6:49 AM, kayc said:

Got my blood test back, platelets too high, that's most concerning, they didn't test me last year between switching doctors and Covidj, so all I have to go by is two years ago before my mysterious throat condition, no one knows what's causing it but it's greatly improved, no more white spots but tongue glands still inflamed, although also improved, been nearly 1 1/2 years with it, I'm pretty sure that's behind it.  

Ahh but my IR (triglycerides/HDL) is 1.1!  (supposed to be under 1.5)

That is so great that you are getting better, Kay! I am really happy to hear it.

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Thank you, still praying for you and my friend Iris!

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/24/2022 at 3:14 AM, kayc said:

Thank you, still praying for you and my friend Iris!

Thank you, Kay. I have been detoxing from the cancer treatments and trying to get my feet back under myself again in my life. I am still having physical issues from the chemo and emotionally have been up and down a lot. Sometimes sideways...hahaha! You gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes. Sometimes, of course, crying is the exact right thing to do, but that's not what I mean.

My cancer debacle was just that, and thinking about the shoddy care, medical gaslighting, and incompetence I found enrages and terrifies me. I would never have dreamed that a "team" of doctors would gang up on a cancer patient - and be so deliberately mean - with no real thought to the actual care for that patient - me. The surgeon from my "care team" told me on the phone, "The reason your doctors all treat you like they do is because you're smart, and ask them challenging questions." That is so awful - it's hard to fathom the right words for it, and I have a good vocabulary.

Tuesday was the one-year-anniversary of my diagnosis day, and it was hard to figure out how I felt as the date approached. Looking back, it seems more clear that it's just another anniversary of a loss or traumatic event. Ground Zero in learning about grief. For me, this anniversary has a lot of grief in it, as well as the trauma of the treatment and mistreatment. Looking back brings a mix of anger, angst, and pride in myself for doing my own homework/research, finding and keeping on my own path, and maintaining the many health-related alterations I've made to my life. Looking forward, I want to do just that. Move forward. I'm not sure in what direction, but this next year will be about something else - not like the cancer of last year - next year will be something new. I don't know what...I'll keep you posted

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Iris' journey began in June, over a year ago...she too is still recovering from chemo.  She is doing Keto to shrink her tumor, so far it's working but it remains to be seen if she'll still need surgery...if she does at least it will be less invasive.  

Everything I know about medical care is not good, not here in the US!  From a Diabetic standpoint at the very least but it also extends to Cardiovascular, etc.  The old guidelines and counsel is not spot on, it's extremely lacking.  Everything I know ANYTHING about is OFF!!!  

It is good to hear from you, Laura, my heart goes out to you.  I know this to be the hardest journey, yet my Iris has remained a very positive spirit throughout, focusing on her needs, gleaning support, I've been impressed and am very glad the last 1+ years are behind   I feel the same with your situation...you have learned a lot in your journey, not only about the medical community, but also about yourself, you have used what you have been through and learned and are gleaning strength you never realized you had!:wub:

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/14/2022 at 5:11 AM, kayc said:

you have learned a lot in your journey, not only about the medical community, but also about yourself, you have used what you have been through and learned and are gleaning strength you never realized you had!:wub:

I sure have learned a lot - and a lot of it is very disturbing, particularly as related to the medical profession. I was stunned to find myself in a position where I had a life threatening condition and was facing a team of angry doctors determined to over treat me by withholding information and doing their best to scare me into destroying my health. I felt like receiving a cancer diagnosis handed me an obligation to blindly do as told, because if I didn't I would be depriving the hospital and providers a LOT of money they felt entitled to. For example, my decision to end chemo when I did, based on my research, cost the hospital at least $360,000. I also refused radiation therapy, because based on my age it was 90% likely to not benefit me. I don't know how much money they lost on that one, but it would have been 20+ treatments. And it would have been needless exposure to radiation for me, because as it turned out, there was no cancer remaining in either breast. I had a breast MRI on 11/22, and it showed no cancer. I have a PET/CT scan this Thursday, and if it is clean as well, I will be declared "cancer free."

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Another disturbing reality is that the doctors lied to me, and when challenged about this, they defended the deliberate deceptions by telling me that everyone with cancer agrees to anything they are offered, in order to gain any slight advantage. They minimize the negative impact of these proposed treatments and give misleading information about the possible benefits. I stopped taking Herceptin after 6 months because the research shows that the strongest efficacy is in the first 6 months, and after that, patients have increasing damage by the drug with no more benefit, the longer they take it. They wanted me to take it for 12 months, but would not discuss the research about the trials on the length of treatment. I have a friend who took this drug for 5 years, and now she has uterine cancer and something on her pancreas - biopsy results not back yet. It is such a racket. 

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On 12/11/2022 at 12:44 PM, Clematis said:

there was no cancer remaining in either breast. I had a breast MRI on 11/22, and it showed no cancer. I have a PET/CT scan this Thursday, and if it is clean as well, I will be declared "cancer free."

This is wonderful news!  My friend Iris who went through chemo, it nearly destroyed her, then she opted to go on Keto instead of radiation, and now all of her bloodwork has come back perfect!  In time she'll get her tumors checked again to see how they're doing, they wanted to do surgery but instead she shrunk them with Keto, is continuing with her positivity, walking, time alone in her beautiful places (property and nearby mountain), honoring herself and others, I do believe her mindset plays a big role as well.  


On 12/11/2022 at 12:58 PM, Clematis said:

the doctors lied to me, and when challenged about this, they defended the deliberate deceptions

There are so many deceptions in medical "practice," it is not surprising we do not leave our health in their hands but research and find solutions for ourselves.  I have many videos by doctors daring to buck the system and uncover the lies by bigpharma as well!  Sometimes the "conventional way" is not the way!

I see this was posted Sunday, I did not see it until today, I apologize for the lateness of my response.  Not because I don't care, I do, Laura!  I applaud you for challenging them!  Look what the results are and don't look back!

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On 12/15/2022 at 4:59 AM, kayc said:

Look what the results are and don't look back!

Thanks! I got more good news today; the results of my PET/CT showed no signs of cancer. This means I am determined to be Cancer Free! Yay!

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10 hours ago, Clematis said:

Thanks! I got more good news today; the results of my PET/CT showed no signs of cancer. This means I am determined to be Cancer Free! Yay!

OMG, Laura, this is great news!!!  So glad for you, you did it!

Congrats Snoopy.gif

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello, my friends. I think of you all frequently, although I haven't been on the site. However, I have been doing psychotherapy online for four years now and frequently encourage my grieving clients to check out the site for additional support. Grief is so hard...

It's been two years since I completed my cancer treatments. In December a year ago I was declared cancer-free, but last year there was something on the breast MRI that appeared to be incidental findings and was too small to figure out if it even was anything. I was sent to radiology for an ultrasound to see if it was anything, but they made me do about 20 mammograms I told them I didn't want, while they tried desperately to stretch the U.S., MRI, and Mammo images into something that might be more cancer, but they couldn't find anything in spite of what seemed to be a diligent attempt to create an image of cancer out of nothing. 

Cancer was such a terrible experience and the worst part was fighting the inept doctors, in lock-step with arms linked against me. My own PCP said to me in my annual a year ago, "Who are You to question Medical Doctors?" They were so angry with me. I think the real outrage was that I kept challenging what they told me and what they withheld, and at every turn they were wrong and I was right. I decided to skip my annual physical this year, but did the bloodwork, which looked great. Also saw the gyno and podiatrist. Things seem to be fine.

When I grumble about the ill-tempered and inept doctors, Helen reminds me that I should get over it, because there is still no reason anyone can come up with - in spite of trying - that would indicate that I have cancer. No sign of it.

One thing I did get out of cancer has been a renewal of my athletic life. Originally, it was having read that 150 - 200 minutes of exercise per week would cut the risk of a recurrence in half, and 300 minutes would bring even greater benefits. I have been averaging about 430 for the past two years and it's been so helpful in so many ways. My weight is good, and stable. I have more strength and energy than I have had in years, and my focus and cognitive abilities are better than they have been in a long time. I even have better coordination and balance; not sure why or how. I feel like I ended up making the right choices in picking and choosing the treatments as I did, and really focusing on my diet and exercise as a long term commitment.

Losing my dad and my aunt were hard blows, compounded by that car accident, and I don't think the cancer afterwards was a coincidence. But life goes on. Life is stable with Helen, and her COPD is better by way of plenty of loving care, Carda Health and now a SmartVest. I have gotten involved in Model Railroading and joined a local club. Lena just had a health scare, but is fine. Skyrocketing liver enzymes, but after an antibiotic that resolved and she just needs some dental work.

My PCP, whom I skipped out on this year professes to practice "Preventative Medicine," but I think that's just early detection. I think the real Preventative Medicine is optimizing one's health via exercise and a plant-based Whole Foods diet. So far, so good! And now it's time for evening exercise... it takes some discipline but it's worth it.

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:12 AM, KATPILOT said:

Indeed good news Laura!

Thank you! I hope you two are doing well...

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On 12/17/2022 at 5:19 AM, kayc said:

OMG, Laura, this is great news!!!  So glad for you, you did it!

Congrats Snoopy.gif

Thank you, Kay - you are really an inspiration as a support person!

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Thank you so much for the detailed update, Laura ~ So good to hear from you! Stay healthy, and continue taking such good care of yourself ~ for you, and for us! Blessings to you, dear one! ❤️

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Laura, I know what you mean, everything you state is what my friend has stated as she's gone through it.  Sometimes you wonder if they're there to help you or finish you off, it's really rough.  Wishing you the best in your continued healing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iris is having trouble with her lungs since chemo and radiation...she said it hardens them.  Doctors say she doesn't have Asthma but she feels what she feels and wishes someone could give her some relief, all she knows is that it isn't as it used to be.

It made me think of you, Laura, everything they put you through and still are...comes a time you want to tell them, enough!  How many mammograms can one have!

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