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Hello Nile!


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You did good today for your Solensia injection. The vet was way too busy today, they forgot to weigh you and I didn't want to ask because of how busy they were. It's ok because I know you've been eating well enough. I don't think you've lost weight. Maybe I should invest in a scale for you... 

I love you. I will give you catnip tonight for being so good for the long car ride today. 

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I'm glad Nile is doing well!

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  • 1 month later...


You've lost a bit more weight but nothing too bad. And you're still here doing well which is the most important thing. I'm surprised and so happy at the same time. Nothing seems to hold you back. 

I'm glad the vet was nice and quiet today. We were in and out in a few minutes. You always handle your injection like a boss. I wish I could be as brave as you. Life has not been easy on me this year but you are the gift that keeps on giving. 

When I got home and checked all your fluids and meds, I noticed that the staff had written  your name on the paperbag with a little heart on the end. It made me smile. Such small gestures mean so much to me these days. 

I love you. 

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I'm glad you have a caring vet.💗

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3 hours ago, kayc said:

I'm glad you have a caring vet.💗

They are amazing. It was completely by chance I found this clinic too. The only downside is that it is quite a long drive to get there, but they work with me to ensure I have enough meds to get me by so I don't have to drive there more than the once a month Solensia injections.

This thread is almost silly at this point because of how well Nile has been doing. It's been almost 3 years! I do see gradual deterioration but I consider myself and Nile extremely lucky. Of course my amazing vet needs credit too. 

As for me I don't think I ever followed up with my cancer scare. After my last (LEEP) treatment in December I was due for a follow up last month. They did a second biopsy because they found more irregular cells but as it turns out it was nothing to be concerned about. I haven't officially been informed yet but the nurse at the hospital called to let me know that I would be getting discharged as an outpatient and would only need to follow up every six months with my family doctor. It's one less thing to worry about but I am still struggling to find work. 

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I hope you find work soon!  I remember going through that, when I lost my last job, I retired, $ or no, didn't file unemployment, just done with the whole thing.  I've gotten by.

I'm glad you have this thread going, I always perk up a bit when I see your updates!  And so glad your kitty is doing well.  Kodie's vet is about 1 - 1 1/4 hours away if no construction/accidents.   It's what we do for our babies.


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Thank you. I'm glad you like to read my posts.

I hope I find work soon. I have been on unemployment since February, and after over 200 job applications and 8 interviews, I have not had a single job offer. I only have until the end of September before my benefits run out. After that, I have no idea what will happen. I have no one to help me. 

When I was coming home from my hospital appointment last month I found a stray cat in the parking lot. I fostered him for a few days before I had to give him up. I wanted to keep him but financially and emotionally I'm just not in a good place. And I also didn't want to add stress to Nile. But it broke my heart, I have never given up an animal that needed a home before. I'm also happy because I saved the cat's life and I know he is now in a very good home. I will never forget that beautiful little boy who needed help and trusted me when I opened my home to him. I just wanted to mention that because I am grieving him a lot. 

You drive a long way for Kodie. It is true the great lengths we go for our babies. If I could have Nile for the rest of my life I would be happy to travel and spend as much as I have been. He's worth every minute and every dollar. 

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Praying for you to have a job find you and try you out!  I went through that during the recession when Bush was president, he cut jobs for military airplane parts, no notice, my favorite job ever!  I did Office Mgt, Bkpg, Safety, worked with Quality Control.  And I didn't have to commute like my next job! Back then we only got six months unemployment.  I had two weeks left when I landed my next job.  Take whatever you can get and keep looking.  It's hard when you're older and no one wants to give you a chance.  And I get it, I had no one else either, my husband died 19 years ago and this was a few months afterwards.  Scary!  No life insurance as they overbilled us and we were haggling with them...when he died suddenly, barely 51 years old.  I wish you well with your search!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @kayc

Just a little update: Yesterday I got a call late in the afternoon from a company wanting to interview, and asked when I could be there. At this point in my job search I just couldn't take anything seriously so I told them I could be there in an hour. I didn't wear my usual attire, very minimal make-up and headed out the door. And wouldn't you know I was hired during the interview! The lady really liked me and I think because I could be there so fast she decided to take a chance with me. I start tomorrow.

I'm going to do my absolute best to do well at this job, it's by no means my dream job but it more than pays the bills. I was really starting to struggle financially, especially with Nile's vet bills being so high. Thank you for the prayers. 


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I am so glad to hear it!!!  Congratulations!

Congrats Snoopy.gif

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On 7/26/2024 at 10:42 AM, kayc said:

I am so glad to hear it!!!  Congratulations!

Congrats Snoopy.gif

It didn't work out. I lost my job yesterday. I've applied for disability. My anxiety and depression is unbearable. 

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I pray they grant it.  If they don't at first (I knew someone who had throat cancer and they denied it, he tried again and got it with a low income lawyer.  I've heard they automatically deny, why I never filed for it with 10% strength.

Do not give up!

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On 7/31/2024 at 10:56 AM, kayc said:

I pray they grant it.  If they don't at first (I knew someone who had throat cancer and they denied it, he tried again and got it with a low income lawyer.  I've heard they automatically deny, why I never filed for it with 10% strength.

Do not give up!

The hits just keep coming. I got a rent increase yesterday and because I had a job and lost it, I no longer have employment benefits. I have no income. I don't know what to do now. I really have reached rock bottom. I must deserve it. 

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No and I would fight the unemployment's decision. It's not always possible to keep a job and when you're new you're under trial for a period of time and they well know it.  Don't just accept it, FIGHT IT!  Get that fighting spirit back in you!  This is for your life!

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I called to dispute it, my case is open. They will have a decision by the 27th but ultimately it comes down to what my former employer says. And my benefits are cut off until a decision is made. I really do need to find my fight, I don't know what happened to me. I used to be so strong. I've lost my spirit. A friend once said I was like a Pitbull when I wanted something. I want to be that person again. 

Nile keeps me going. I'm grateful he's still here with me. If anything I will keep fighting for him. 

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I understand.  Last night someone at the food pantry carried my box out to the car and he insisted over and over and over and over that KODIE IS NOT A SERVICE DOG, HE'S AN EMoTIONAL SUPPORT DOG!  This in spite of his vest, id, my telling him not all disabilities are visable and by law he cannot ask, he would not listen!  I felt so disrespected!  Kodie is registered and I intend to speak to someone there about it.  I tried calling this morning, no answer.  They could get in trouble if big mouth continues.

Nile keeps you going like Kodie does me.

Today our air quality is inching 500, which means I can't walk Kodie. :(  I wish they'd get these fires out.

I will be praying for you.  That they will regard what you say.  It is so wrong.  Unless you did something so wrong, I don't see how they can cut you like that.  Of course the employer is fighting it, they don't want to pay, but that doesn't make it right!  Sometimes we aren't a fit for the job, and a lot of that has a lot more to do with their conveyance than your doing something wrong.

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Everyone is an expert about things they know nothing about. Big mouth is going to end up getting that pantry a lawsuit. I hope you do get through to someone so they know what is happening, because that is not okay at all. 

Nile is keeping me going. I would have given up already if not for him. I had to bathe him today, he's really struggling to groom. He's due for his next pain injection so hopefully that will ease things for him. He just sat in the tub and let me, he knows I'm helping. I enjoy caring for him, it keeps me busy. I like being nurturing.

Summer is just awful with all these fires. Jasper national park lost 1/3 of its town last week. I have so many memories of family vacations there as a little girl. 

The former employer is just mad that it didn't go her way. It doesn't cost her company anything, she's just spiteful. Unemployment insurance is a benefit  paid by the government and employees pay into it with every cheque. But it's a game to them. They make you wait months to see a dime (hoping you find something in the meantime.) It's the first time I've ever needed help in over 25 years of being an honest tax paying employee. It's frustrating. 
I have a job interview tomorrow. I hope if I get this job it will be something I can handle. At this point I have nothing to lose. 

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I hope you get the job!  I was evacuated and came back the next day, it took me two hours to unpack.  Kodie's treat jar broke in the move.  I lost my wedding ring the last time.  I'd gladly pay a reward if only..,

Wishing you the best!

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It was the worst interview I've ever had in my life. There was THREE people interviewing me and they put me on the spot by making me take a phone call (with one of their staff pretending to be a customer.) I got so nervous and started sweating BAD, and almost cried. It was embarrassing. It was hours ago and I'm still embarrassed. She, the "customer" was asking me questions I would have no way of knowing how to answer, like, "what warranties do you offer on your product." Maybe I was supposed to just answer with anything but I just completely cramped up. This anxiety will be the death of me. I left there feeling so stupid. I know how to handle phone calls, I've been doing it for 25+ years. I've never felt so stupid in my life. 


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For the first time ever, I forgot your appointment with the vet. I'm so sorry, I know your legs hurt. The vet called and woke me up, as soon as the phone rang it hit me. I don't know what's come over me. We are booked for Monday morning now instead. I know you can hold on until then but I'm sorry you have to wait that much longer. It's already been 5 weeks since your last injection because last weekend they were closed.

I hope my luck changes soon, caring for you is my main priority and if I falter at that then I don't know how to go on. I love you my little man. 

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You aren't stupid, you're under stress.  They wanted to see how you'd act under pressure.  But it's not the same when you're a trained employee...

And your sweetie will live until the vet appt..



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Any updates?

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Nothing has changed. I just got back from a trip to a small town to visit a friend. He told me a few weeks ago that if I run out of options I can live with him until I get back on my feet. So I decided to see where he lives, it's a very small town. I had an impromptu interview at the hospital there. I've been considering going back to school these last few months to take a health care aide course. I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not. But my friend knows people and they gave us the name of the person who manages the hospital. She said there's a chance I could get hired on without certification and over time they would help get me through the course (bursaries and work experience hours.) I've been trying to reconnect with her since I got back to the city but not having much luck. 

I also visited the veterinarian out there too, they mostly deal with farm animals, being that it is a small town in a remote area. But they would have all the medication and supplies I would need for Nile. 

I really hope I can make it happen. My former boss owns a cargo trailer and has offered to help me relocate too. That in itself would save me thousands in moving costs.

Just once... I really hope things can work out for me. 

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