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Just starting this journey.

Three months ago my wife went in for a routine endoscopy. A mass was discovered near the bottom of her esophagus. In the time since they located masses on her liver, lung, and brain. She started chemo, with the sole goal of giving her more time. After two our of 12 treatments, her immunity bottomed out and we're unsure if she can get more. It's been tough. I started therapy and am trying to keep in touch with friends, which is a challenge. I am not solely responsible for our home, our finances, and two teenage children, one with special needs. I get overwhelmed at times, but am just looking for a way to cope. My therapist suggested this site, so here am I! I'm not sure what I want or need right now, but am grateful for others who've been there before.



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We're grateful that you've found us, Spence. We welcome you, and we want you to know that we're here for you, walking beside you as you travel this challenging journey. ❤️

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Spence, that is a lot, try to do no more than today, take one day at a time and focus on this hour, this minute.  You have a full plate and are in my prayers.  Keep coming here.  I'm glad you have a therapist!  Marty is the best resource I know, I've known her over 19 years.  She has a wide array of articles here too.

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