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The spirit of Ninja remains...

Paul S

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Two months ago today our little Ninja cat crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was maybe 14 or 15 (he was abandoned by his prior humans and was homeless for at least 2 years before we could bring him inside.) 

Anyway, my wife and I are convinced his spirit was still present in our lives and home for weeks afterwards. Ninja was a black kitteh, and we'd see flashes of black out of the corner of our eyes. We'd hear his meows. We'd hear the sound of him nibbling on his crunchies or snickety snacks, or lapping up water. He had liked to walk very slowly in front of of us (almost tripping us) and many times after his death we'd think that he was right there in front of us. It's not as if we were thinking of him. Our minds were on other things and suddenly we'd sense that he was right there, in front of of us, and we'd stop so as not to step on him. But, no, he of course was buried out front.

It's been two months, and these 'sightings' or 'hearings' aren't as much or as often. We like to think he was concerned about us and was just checking up on us, letting us know he's all right, and we will be, too. Someday.

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Paul, like you, I believe with all my heart that the souls of your little Ninja and all of these precious, innocent creatures who've left us will be waiting for us on the other side, and that one day we will meet again. That is what the Rainbow Bridge is all about. ❤️

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