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I feel terribly lonely.

Guest Janka

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Hi Janka,

Yes, loneliness is a terrible feeling - and you did the right thing by reaching out.  I am reaching back toward you and sending you love.  Sometimes when I am terribly lonely I just have to do something to try to comfort myself.  One of my favourites is taking a hot bubble bath - because at least then I feel a little more "held" or contained. Perhaps there is something that can comfort you - even if it is just a little bit - it helps.


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I´ll remember all of you who wrote me back now that I feel the worst lately.What a pity it weren´t those I took for so precious to me.All the more I´m thankful for you !!! You´re wonderful people. I´ll never forget it,because I was crying here 4 hours and it were just you all that helped me so much!

With love Janka

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I'm sorry you feel lonely.  I do too sometimes.  (((hugs)))

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From me too.  A person in grief can feel lonely around a million people.  A home was a home, anywhere, in a tent, in the RV parked at a rest stop on an interstate highway, in a big house or in a small studio apartment as long as our mate was with us.  When we lose them, then no place is "home" and we are so alone.  I wish peace for you and help with your health.  I think we all feel unhealthy without our focus mate/help/partner.  Our immune system is down and if we already have a health problem, there seems no solution.  I know we all want peace and health for all of us.  We all are so lonely no matter where we are, or who is with us.  We have actually lost our will to live.  I hate feelig defeated.  But I do feel that.

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17 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

I'm no replacement for Jan, but I do understand, little star.  ?

Dear Gwen,

thank you too !!! I´ve already found out why you didn´t get a few nice messages I sent you then.Your messenger is not available.I don´t know why.


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20 hours ago, TH said:

Hugs to you, Janka. I understand how you feel, the loneliness is really strong at the moment for me, too.

Dear TH,

I spend my time kissing my adorable,sweet,plush little rat that makes me feel closer to my beloved man Jan whose kisses are thereon too.Here is my darling as you remember.





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On ‎12‎.‎2‎.‎2016 at 3:02 AM, CL said:

Hi Janka,

Yes, loneliness is a terrible feeling - and you did the right thing by reaching out.  I am reaching back toward you and sending you love.  Sometimes when I am terribly lonely I just have to do something to try to comfort myself.  One of my favourites is taking a hot bubble bath - because at least then I feel a little more "held" or contained. Perhaps there is something that can comfort you - even if it is just a little bit - it helps.


Dear CL,

your post touched my heart,because the way you think over is close to me too.I had to reach out,because I feel the way I feel as there are people so close to me who disappointed me very much and it got worse the hard situation I am in now.Unfortunately,some people are too selfish in this respect,grieving or not,it´s a bitter truth.I´ve done so much for them,therefore I´ve made up my mind to do not pay attention them anymore.I used to do it like you formerly.Now I find my comfort in God.He helps me to go through.I think that you´re very kind person who understands what I mean.I´d also want you to do find any comfort in your so deep grief.

Hold you close to my heart and my prayers are with you!

With love Janka

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8 hours ago, Marg M said:

From me too.  A person in grief can feel lonely around a million people.  A home was a home, anywhere, in a tent, in the RV parked at a rest stop on an interstate highway, in a big house or in a small studio apartment as long as our mate was with us.  When we lose them, then no place is "home" and we are so alone.  I wish peace for you and help with your health.  I think we all feel unhealthy without our focus mate/help/partner.  Our immune system is down and if we already have a health problem, there seems no solution.  I know we all want peace and health for all of us.  We all are so lonely no matter where we are, or who is with us.  We have actually lost our will to live.  I hate feelig defeated.  But I do feel that.

It is a shock to have a home become a house.  So much energy is gone and it's like losing your heating and lighting.  A place to stumble around trying to feel some semblance of life again.  Also true our health is vulnerable during this time.  I try and eat andsleep, but the body is under duress and needs more than that.  Usually outlets like a pressure cooker needing a large vent to lesson the stress.  

I wish I were in the ranks of those finding reason to keep going on, but not yet.  Every day begins with the simple question....why?   I get some perspective and get tasks, cleaning and errands done, but there is nonsense of reward or accomplishment beyond crossing it off a list.  That is really hard.  Going thru the motions instead of feeling truly productive.  I try and take some pride I at least got something done, even if its importance disappears rapidly.  

I feel defeated to and that gets old day after day.  People all around me are living life.  Someone I know is seeing Star Wars today in 3D and IMAX.  She is so excited.   I forget what it feels like.  My biggie is going to bed saying I made it thru another day.  Would love to feel some connection to these fun things life offers.  Maybe some day.

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On ‎13‎.‎2‎.‎2016 at 2:50 AM, kevin said:

I found my Wife's Valentine's Card that I picked up last year.........unopened and still wrapped. Just a reminder of how fragile our life is. Happy Valentines Day Janka 


Dear Kevin,

thank you !!! Thanks for being here for me...thanks for this wonderful heart...thanks for so nice surprise!

Happy Valentines Day to you!

With love Janka

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All of you:  I just keep seeing exactly what I feel printed here.  As Gwenivere said, I can't seem to get real enjoyment out of anything anymore.  Worries me.  Would like to think I will get back to that someday.  I'm trying to do positive affirmations (I'll try anything now; I'm so desperate).  Even though I don't feel it, I say every day that I intend to find contentment, I intend to have love again and I even say I intend to have financial stability.  It can't hurt and sometimes it takes my mind off the pain for a few minutes.  Has anyone else tried this.  It's supposed to re-program your brain.  I wish we could all meet and do something fun together.  There might be some fun if you were with others who understood your journey.  I go out with people but always feel so "odd person out."  Hugs to everyone....cookie

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