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My first day without a horrible pain.

Guest Janka

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This is my first day without those horrible aches I´ve had by now.I couldn´t spend so much time in here lately,because the sitting became something insufferable the last weeks and I truly hope it gets better at the moment.I´m sorry for everyone´s illness or aches!

PS: Little hearts for those of you who take care of me and love me.Thank you!

bunny in love with carrot

With love Janka




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I am seldom sick or my illnesses are no more than a flu..(I do have arthritis in knees and hips)...And if you are on the mend keep doing whatever your doing and listen to your body. Rest when your tired, keep yourself hydrated(even when your not thirsty) and eat good food.........

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I hope you're seeing a doctor so you can know what you're dealing with and can have a plan for wellness.  I'm sorry you've suffered so much, please take care of yourself!

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

I hope you're seeing a doctor so you can know what you're dealing with and can have a plan for wellness.  I'm sorry you've suffered so much, please take care of yourself!


two days ago I still had such horrible aches that I was lying on the floor in the flat and crying all along.Nothing helped.It was the worst moment till then.I was in the church that evening and with the tears in my eyes I prayed to God to help me stop the pain I was feeling about 2 weeks,so insufferable it was!Then I came home,crying a lot and at last those horrible aches were gone.It gets better since then and I haven´t had any pain pill by now.None!I love God!He knows that my belief is unshakeable a long time and he didn´t let me suffer more than I myself can endure.I know that my beloved Jan is praying for me every day and night as well as I do for him and it helps incredibly much!It all started with the bullying in the last workplace I was talking about,but fortunately I left in time.I must not lift the heavy things.I take this for a miracle by all means.I prayed from the bottom of my heart and I was heard. :)

Winged Love Heart Tattoo



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14 hours ago, Marg M said:

Janka, I wish for you peace, no pain, and lots of happiness.  I hope medical services are better in Slovakia than in the USA.  

My dear Margaret,

I have very bad experiences with the doctors and medical services here that I wish no one.On top of that almost everything is needed to pay,though I pay for health insurance all my life.I hope that yours in the USA is much better because of your medical issues too.Since I haven´t had those horrible aches the last two days,I decided to see the grave of my beloved Jan at weekend.I brought him the most beautiful roses,the red for now and many other things in red colour too to adorn the place his beloved remains consist in.The sun was shining and I myself staying there,talking to him the bouquet of the most beautiful words springing from the bottom of my mournful heart then burst into tears.I miss him more and more and it´s getting harder to imagine all of those years I have to spend without him.I do my best to be worthy of being where he is now.In my room is little altar dedicated to him and I always add something new to make him happy,speaking to myself that every pain I suffer from is nothing compared with all of the happiness I´ll find in his arms forever.

Hugs from Janka

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I'm sorry for all you're going through.  Here we have what is called "affordable health care" which is anything but!  What it means is we are required to carry health insurance that has to meet the government's approval or we get a fine slapped on us, and it's a hefty one!

I think we'd be better off like Denmark, their's has worked for them for many years!

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Canada ,our Health Insurance changes from Province to Province, its either free or $90 /per month.....My travel insurance to go into the States is $400 per month.......And all that includes is get me home. ......But if your really sick in Canada, It's best you get to a good hospital, because they are not all equal......

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51 minutes ago, kevin said:

Canada ,our Health Insurance changes from Province to Province, its either free or $90 /per month.....My travel insurance to go into the States is $400 per month.......And all that includes is get me home. ......But if your really sick in Canada, It's best you get to a good hospital, because they are not all equal......


when I was in Croatia 5 months ago,I bought travel insurance for 1 year,valid all over,in USA too.I did it in my bank,for sure,to be in peace.It was only about 20 €,elsewhere it would be about 200 €.I can use it this year too.It´s good.


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Kevin, I wondered about the free medical care in Canada.  We, of course have our Medicare as our main insurance, (if we are over 65) and we pay over $100 a month for that.  Our group insurance takes up then, but we pay the first $300, then 20%.  I am not sure how much I pay, but it is from being employed and retiring from the state.  After seeing how expensive Obamacare is, I cannot complain.  Still, the majority of physicians we have used and that I worked for have forgotten "first do no harm."  Insurance and drug companies have cheated patients and good doctors.  Too bad we don't have more doctors like Doc Adams of Gunsmoke times.  We seldom see real doc's, but we see physician's assistants and nurse practitioners.  After working with the staff phsicians when Billy was so sick, I actually am satisfied with PA's.  In our RV club, I had read that the free care in Canada was a long time wait for elective surgery, sometimes years.  I know consults can take months here in US.  

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Janka, I was curious about your health care in Slovakia.  I think it sounds good.   Your insurance sounds excellent.  I hope for relief from your pains soon.  I know your flowers were pretty and Jan loved them too.

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Janka, 20 Euros is on top of your existing insurance...That is dirt cheap, if it wasn't subsidized it would be an alternative to the western world.......Once your over 65 , with any pre existing condition, coverage is difficult........The .Physical cost you $300......Neighbour is 82 year old snowbird and his insurance for 6 months is almost $4500.........lots of good deals this year in Yuma

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No, Elderly pay the same or free.....But if you travel State side you pay lots for Travel ......here is a recent editorial,,

A long-time snowbird, Norm Ullock has watched his travel medical insurance premiums trend upward over the past 20 years.

“The premiums go up because I’m getting older,” Mr. Ullock says. “The minute I turned 60, the premiums tripled.”

Mr. Ullock accepts this reality. “It’s part of the cost of travel,” says the 70-year-old Toronto resident who visits Florida annually.

His confidence in the product itself, however, is shaky: “If I buy insurance, I want to know I’m covered, and I’m never really sure I am.”

It’s a situation many retirees find themselves in when they attempt to purchase travel medical insurance, a product that used to be as easy to buy as a click at the end of an online travel-package purchase.

Mr. Ullock takes issue with the medical questionnaires used by insurers to determine client eligibility for travel medical insurance, which are generally administered when an applicant turns 60. The questions ask would-be travellers about certain health conditions.

However, if someone hasn’t officially been told by a physician that a health issue is serious enough to be flagged on such a questionnaire, they can fail to report it. That opens the door to the insurer voiding the policy over “fraudulent” reporting in the event of a claim.

Mr. Ullock cites the case of a friend who was told he had a slight heart irregularity by his physician but that it was “nothing to worry about.” Applying for travel insurance, the friend happened to query his doctor about it. “The insurer considered it a heart condition,” Mr. Ullock says.

“What that told me is most people don’t know what’s in their medical record,” he says. “My doctor told me to fill out those forms properly, you would need a doctor and a lawyer in the room with you. And at the end of it, you might not be sure you’re covered.”

Confusion also surrounds the insurance itself. Some seniors buy their policies online, without really understanding what kind of coverage they have purchased. Nor have they read the fine print, which can exclude them if they have had even subtle changes in their health.

“People can make mistakes,” concedes Ray Battiston, a travel insurance broker in St. David’s, Ont., and owner of icecoldnorth.com.

And the policies vary widely. While most exclude serious heart conditions, people with end-stage terminal illnesses and those on portable oxygen, Mr. Battiston says that even in high-risk cases, shopping around can yield options. Though some firms won’t sell a policy to a claimant who’s had a medication switch or change in a health condition during the previous 12 months, “we have companies that will go to age 74 with six months of stability.”

He also says being flexible can be very helpful in lowering premiums, which increase annually. Mr. Battiston says more firms are selling policies with $250 deductibles, which can reduce premiums. For those applicants with less-serious heart conditions or diabetes, having a high deductible such as $10,000 can also make travel-insurance premiums less prohibitive. Buying insurance six months before a trip, in the summer (rates go up in the fall), or before a landmark birthday such as 60 – can lock applicants into a lower rate. And shortening a stay or buying insurance for the whole year – rather than just a short trip – can also bring costs down.

Mr. Battiston understandably believes that using a broker can help get the best deal, as they know what policies will fit your situation. “Find a good broker and stick with them.”

Conversely, many websites merely present rates ranked from lowest to highest, without much detail around


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I remember reading about a pregnant Canada woman going on vacation to Hawaii.  She went into early labor and had a hospital bill of over a million dollars.  I know some of our RV club's members go to Mexico for health care and dental work.  There is a joke going around Facebook about a wall being built. (I think it was a joke making fun of Trump's building a wall on the border of Mexico) and trying to keep Americans from trying to flee the USA if Trump is elected.   It was always Billy and my wish to visit British Columbia.  Hey my granddaughter's idol is Ryan Reynolds.  You all live in a wonderland.  I guess I will do without seeing the northern lights.  Know I am terribly off subject, sorry folks.

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You´re very clever,Kev.You remind me my father.He is already dead but as I remember,he was thinking just like you do and the way you think over is very close to me too.I come from the family of the teachers. :)


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13 minutes ago, Marg M said:

Janka, I think with your education, you would make a very caring teacher.  

When I was a little girl,I was playing a game that I´m a teacher and a furniture in the kitchen was defacement with chalk.I had to wipe it off before someone came back home. :D


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That is enlightening.  This is where Obamacare is good, it has taken away the preexisting clause, trouble is, we pay through the nose.  Insurance premiums are determined by your age, not your medical condition here, but anything experimental or expensive isn't covered most of the time.


It was my understanding you don't have to have Medicare, but can't sign up later if you opt not to get it when you turn 65, I don't know if that's forever or if they have an open enrollment next year.  I'm still waiting for my 65th birthday.  But between Medicare and supplemental, most pay $300/month, give or take.  And I'm surprised by what it leaves.  But my insurance right now is $684/month and I have to pay my own x-rays, lab work, ultrasounds, MRIs, etc.  The Obamacare supplement goes strictly by gross income, does not take into account taxable deductions (only child support and educational payments), nor mortgage payments, property taxes, etc.  Consequently, by the time I pay all my bills, including medical insurance, there's nothing left for groceries or gas.  This, in my estimation, is not "affordable" health care!

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Seriously?  Wow, I hadn't heard that.  I'm not sure how I'll afford Medicare and supplemental insurance when I turn 65, I'm not even sure what my social security will be.  They haven't updated the amounts the last two years since I quit working so it'll undoubtedly be lower than they predict.  Oh well, I'll wait and see!

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I am 60 and get survivors benefits from Steve's social security.  If I waited til I was older it would be more.   I opted for it now to help cover the outrageous cost of health insurance.  I don't even want to think about Medicare until I have to.  All this monetary stuff just gives me a headache.....literally.

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There are some very thrifty health travel insurance packages if your health is good. What you do is increase your deductible to $10000. But once you hit the magic thresholds of 65 , 75, and 80 look out......Cheaper to stay in your own country unless its a short trip and you are travelling with someone.........

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