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I'm missing her so much

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I would be on my knees but they hurt.  Still, praying...

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I'm sorry it's taken this long to update I have been swamped with the boys.  

Gracie apparently caught a viral infection. Her tummy is sore and shes got some unusually loose and discoloration of her stools.  And a temp.  They are keeping her until this heals.  And starts feeding normally again   She's getting IV fluids   

Katie has decided to keep her just in their room away from the boys for a while when she does come home again.  They probably carried germs home from school.  Just until she's bigger and not so fragile.  

Ive explained to the boys that it's not their fault and they get it.  They want what's best for their baby sister.  

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Oh Butch, I'm glad they know what is wrong and are taking good care of her.  Katie is wise to take this added step and hopefully just for a while.  I hope the boys understand it's not them, but because they're around so many kids and kids are carriers, they can't help it, just a while longer they can be with their sister.  Maybe they can wear a face mask and wash their hands when they want to visit her?

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Gracie is taking her bottles again.  Not crying so painfully anymore and her temp is normal.  She's very smiley this afternoon.  So I suspect they will discharge her tomorrow if all continues to be ok.  :wub: 

I'm missing my bride.  She would adore our granddaughter so very much.  But she's got Lily and Lila with her.  :(

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Butch I was wondering how you were doing with the missing part. You have had a lot of distractions and though they are often good distractions, you stop for a moment and it comes back. Yes she would enjoy Gracie. My bride would be doing the same. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

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Oh Butch, this is one of my favorite pictures of her, she's so sweet and I love seeing her little hands!  I hope tomorrow it is!

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Gracie got a visit from her great Grammy today.  In this pic you really see how tiny she is.  Small but mighty.  She made Gracie the booties she's wearing.  :wub:


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I am smiling from ear to ear!  That is my favorite picture yet (the one of her smiling)!

That's it, she is now the official forum baby, we've adopted her! :wub:

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3 hours ago, kayc said:

That's it, she is now the official forum baby, we've adopted her! :wub:

That is so cool!

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She's was not settling and was failing like a monkey so daddy swaddled her in her monkey swaddling blanket.  She loves being swaddled.  She went right to sleep. :wub:


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Oh and Yes if ok Gracie bear accepts being the forums baby.  She hopes to bring smiles and light heartedness to everyone in time of need.  :D:wub:

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