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Me and my vacuum

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When Al and I got married, he brought over his vacuum.  I hated it.  Oh, it was very good, but I do not like canisters...only uprights.  Al loved his vacuum, so when he felt the need to use it, he did the vacuuming.  The rugs were getting yucky, so I pulled out his machine.  It was very strange using it, knowing that Al was the last one to touch it.   Since he was so sick the last several months, it probably was over a year since he used it.  So stupid to get upset about a vacuum!  I am only about 1/4 through and I wonder if I can finish.  Al would be happy that I am finally using it.  I am not. My machine is clogged up or I would have used it.  The crazy things that set us off!


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My first real job was selling vacuums part time for Hoover one summer out of high school.

Btw George, there actually is professional vacuum humor. If we were selling a lot of them, business was "picking up"; if sales were slow, business "sucked". You don't wanna know what we called our vac that reversed itself into a blower. B)

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I loved my Kenmore canister. It did a good job for 25 years and was easy for me to use. I have a Hoover upright. It works better than the canister did, but is not self propelled and is too heavy for me. I have a $50 Eureka Boss that I brought down from the cabin. It is adequate and easy to push, but my dog sheds like crazy so I have to make sure to empty the bag frequently. It clogged up one time because I was not diligent. I disconnected the hose and ran the broom handle through it. That cleaned it out. When parts were no longer available for the old canister, I replaced it with a Shark which my Sears contract covered. It is still in the box. I have way too many vacuums.  lol

I'm sure Al would want you to use the one that is best for you. I'm sorry you're having a bad day.

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I've got a new one but I don't know how to use it so I still use the old.  No one would admit to leaving the big sander laying on the dining room floor so we have to blame it on Billy, but he cannot admit to it.  Too big for me to use anyhow.  Gotta get someone to tell me how to work the vacuum.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.  

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Hi Gin,

Gosh sometimes it seems so random the things that set it off.  I can never tell when.  It could be a thought, it could be an action, it could be an object...  I guess it's not all that random if it is just about everything, at some point.  I bet if you used that vacuum 10 times, it may be survivable a few of those times, but you never know when it will creep in again (at least for me).  It makes me hesitate with everything I do.  Maybe that is why I get so little done when I'm at the house.  Then again, even doing nothing sometimes sets it off.


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Patty is soooooo right.  There are so many things I do repetitively and every once in a while it gets to me.  You never know with these sneak attacks.  Everything I did for the first time without Steve here I knew would be a trigger.  That was a given.  Now we kinda stumble along in hopes we don't get blindsided.  I agree about doing nothing too.  Then I sit here looking at this house and it stares back with memories in every nook and cranny.  I hear it gets better, but right now it's a no win situation.

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When my kids were growing up they had jobs around the house and my son's was vacuuming so when his dad left and took the vacuum, I let my son pick out what he wanted since he'd be doing it, and he chose an upright.  Later when George and I were married and my daughter was selling Majesty vacuums (super expensive canisters) we bought one, I have it still.  It does a way better job than any vacuum I've seen, but the uprights are easier to push through the house (I long ago gave the upright to a job of mine).

I love your vacuum humor!  I always say "Life sucks and then you die", my humor at getting through this...

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