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I was at work the other day and a woman came through my line and told me my necklace was pretty I noticed her necklace and it was just like my son's my husband Kevin was cremated he wanted to always be with us we got necklaces to put his ashes in mine never comes of like my ring. I thought she has been through this and I wanted to ask her of course I didn't though, later that day a co-worker asked me about my necklace when I told her it was my husbands ashes she looked at me like I was crazy, people do that alot now when the ask me questions and I answer I get a look like ok what's wrong with her if people don't want to hear my answers why ask, I also notice that I am looking at peoples fingers looking for wedding bands, if they have them I think about how they will feel one day when the spouse passes and it saddens me. If I see people without rings I feel sad that they never found there soulmates. Sorry to post so much it is just this is the only place where people don't give me the crazy look.

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My children and myself all have marble necklaces containing Deedo's ashes.  It was something that Deedo wanted for us, she found the site and made sure our daughter knew.  Although I don't wear it daily, I'm afraid the chain will break with as active as I am, we all sported them in Disneyland.

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Amy, I would have told her that the time period we're living in doesn't affect our loss or grief.  People are unreal!

I only WISH I'd have thought of having some of George's ashes put into a necklace before I scattered them, now it's too late!

And looking for wedding bands may not reveal they're married...I still wear mine after all this time, I had to get it resized but it brings me great comfort to wear the love of my life's ring on my finger.

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I cannot wear the necklace.  My son and daughter and granddaughter cannot either.  Over the years people expect me to be weird.  So, anything I do never seems to bother any of my friends.  I think I am very lucky.  Now my daughter and sister come the closest to criticizing me and they know their words are water off a duck's back to me.  I wear my ring and his wedding ring nugget on a long chain, double, and have had remarks, none bad.  I don't know why, but  people usually leave me alone.  I feel like I am that Native American from years ago that people revere because she is insane, like spirits have inhabited my persona.  They have.  Nothing they say can bother me.  But then, you have never heard this sweet little ole lady let loose with a vocabulary that you would never dream could come out of a little old red headed (now gray) freckled sweet old lady's mouth.  Being old has some benefits, being weird has even more.   

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Marg Good morning,    I find at this "Age Period", I have a very indifferent view of other peoples views of my actions. I only have to like the guy in the mirror and follow some pretty simple Commandments and I'm usually OK.......pretty easy. My occupation and career path has taken me to lousy Fitness /nutritional  apprentice and lousy Golfer(both full time). My career in Darts and Bowling don't hold much promise. Not sure what I said, but I am out there, miss my Old life, but definitely not going to avoid a new one.....Starting the day pulling weeds, bound to get better as day progresses....kevin  

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9 hours ago, kayc said:

And looking for wedding bands may not reveal they're married...I still wear mine after all this time, I had to get it resized but it brings me great comfort to wear the love of my life's ring on my finger.

I still wear my wedding band with Deedo's wedding band on my pinkie finger right next to it for exactly the same reason.

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