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Sign from Kevin or wishful thinking?

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Me my two daughters and my two year old grandson were in my back yard tonight listening to Kevin's music and talking about him my grandson was climbing on me but he kept looking behind me past the porch he started talking about a ball I turned to look and there was nothing there (it was dark out) he then walked of the porch and kept looking at that spot talking about a ball smiling and telling us to look, and talking to the spot this went on for over 5 minutes my daughter then told me that since Kevin passed my grandson does that almost everyday they live with me could it be his pop pop he sees Kevin loved him so much and always was playing with him.

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Robin, it's hard to say whether or not your grandson is "seeing" his pop pop. Kids are always playing with "invisible friends" and so forth. And really, the most important thing you mentioned was that your grandson was smiling. Seeing him happy has to give you a good feeling.

In my own journey, things have happened that give me hope that there is something beyond death. I don't "see" Tammy but I have gotten the sense that she still is here, helping and loving me. Lights flickering at odd times, the ceiling fan turning itself on, the broken blind that "fixed" itself, the creaking of the floor that can only be made when someone walks on it (and no one was upstairs), my crash into a concrete barrier at 70mph that left no scratch on my car... etc...

I can't explain any of those things logically. And, they all happened after Tammy died. These incidents have given me a measure of comfort and the hope that I will be reunited with my beloved Tammy.

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I think kids don't have walls up like we do, it makes it easier for them to be perceptive to things that we don't see because we're closed off from it.  

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My kitty witnessed the passing of my beloved Jack. For months after he passed she would on several occasions a day sit in the spot he passed and yowl. She never say in that spot before. I felt like she was either mourning his loss or she was sitting with him and wanted me to join her. So I would cuddle and she would stop crying the second I came down. We would sit there for a while and I got to talk to Jack. It made me feel better at the very least, wether or not he was actually there. Maybe this is comforting to you even though he may or may not be there communicating with your grandchild. 

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I called it my magical-mystical imagination.  I used to believe in everything.  Billy was a skeptic  He always said I was him and he was me.  Alas, he took my magic with him when he left.  Now, my daughter has a star that she talks to, talking to her dad.  It is the more yellow star, bright.  My mama was talking to Billy.  Kelli asked her where he was.  She said "he is standing right beside you."  Now, I have to say that shook Kelli up a little.  I want my magic back, but I also call it faith.  When I was  coming back from Walmart I came around the "back way" where there is not much traffic.  I just happened to look at a church that used to be a Mormon Church.  It now has "Faith Restoration Church" written on it.  I wonder? "Here's your sign."  .  

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It is my personal belief that our departed loved ones are still with us. I feel my dad around me all the time, quite a bit lately, actually.  So I talk with him and I know in my heart he's one of my angels keeping an eye on me.  It's not that I ever see him, except maybe in a dream, but I feel his presence in such a way that I speak to him, often out loud.  I also agree that kids often experience what your grandson is experiencing.  My BF told me a story about his young cousins seeing a young girl on a rural roadway and described what she looked like and was wearing, carrying books. They asked his mother about her youngest sister (who had been killed at a young age being hit by a car near that same country road), and her description of the departed sister was exactly what the kids had seen.  I find it fascinating! It's a matter of belief and I would never force my personal beliefs on anyone, but isn't it a wonderful thought that in some way our departed loved ones stay with us and keep a watchful eye? Makes my heart happy. :) 

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I have had unexplainable things happen since Richard has passed. The most recent one happened the other day. My daughter and I were getting ready to go somewhere. I was standing in the kitchen waiting for her. I was facing the living room and the temperature on the a/c unit kept going back and forth between 73 and 74. Nicole walked out to where I was and I pointed to it. She saw it going back and forth. I said, "it's Richard!". Sure enough it stopped. I think it was his way of letting us know he is with us.

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Hi Robin. For me its been a black swallowtail butterfly. There was one at the cemetery, at the lunch afterwards, planting corn this spring and baling hay in June. On charleys one year anniversary last week, I had planted a magnolia tree in his memory and there was one flying all around it. Two days later I had come back from town and was balancing my checkbook when I noticed movement out side the truck. Here was that black swallowtail flying back and forth outside the window. When I got out, it flew up and over the house and I thought there he goes. Then I thought, I wonder..... I walked out to the magnolia tree and over my shoulder he came. He flew around me and the tree awhile before landing in the grass next to me. There been a couple more visits since , but it makes me feel better and who knows what's on the other side. In the meantime I'm gonna enjoy my butterfly.

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