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4 hours ago, KATPILOT said:


Thanks! I don't worry nearly as much what they think, but I still feel hurt by them cutting me out of their lives. I feel their loss almost if they had died, but it's not as clean as that since they are alive. Hard to explain. I guess I also feel angry and betrayed, since they know that I have been devastated by our father's death and then injured in a car accident, and they have deliberately left me alone in that. I know in my head that they are functionally like adolescents more than adults, but that does't make me feel any better. I guess I still have a lot of feelings that will take time to sort out.

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i am also new to this site. My husband passed away 11mos ago it was suddenly,no warning at 62 yrs, we had just celebrated 41 yrs of marriage. I am totally lost without him, he was my everything & my support since we had lost our 32 yr old son tragically just 3 1/2 yrs prior. My experience with my sons loss was that the first year I was in shock so by the time the 2nd year came the reality set in & the pain was even more severe & most of our supports had moved on with their normal lives & ours was no where near normal. The loss of my husband is different in many ways as now I feel truly alone & isolated, I have no one to tell my thoughts to that truly understands, these thoughts go unsaid & now I'm truly left to find a way to climb out of this big dark hole alone. Survival is a lot of work when you are in pain & exhausted

the dragonflies are a wonderful sign of your loved ones presence, I search everyday for something, anything!


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I found this place to be a comfortable oasis to share my thoughts, feelings, and concerns. For me it feels so lonely because my wife and I shared everything together.  We were one.  Now even after nineteen months the loneliness and lack of intimacy and closeness is tough. 

This place has helped to shed off the "crazy thoughts" that tumble in my brain.  No matter that I FEEL alone,  I find that I need to find my way through this grief.  Some days are better than others.  For me the grief I have for my wife is another side of the Love we shared for almost 26 years.  I know there is a purpose for all of this but each one of us needs to discover it for themselves. 

This is a great place to be yourself no matter how you feel.  There is something about writing it down, sharing hear or journal-ling that helps me to acknowledge and work through this grief and move forward. I pray you will continue to come and share as you are able and discover that although each person grief is unique yet we do understand and empathize and give each other support. - Shalom

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